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[Enjin Archive] building within x "amount of blocks " of a players or mods claim area
Started by [E] Beerismygod

seeing as i was put in web jail by Pljz for digging/ breaking blocks on the edge of his claim and lost some tools, could we have some clear definition of how many claim blocks we are aloud to build within other peoples claims please as i could not see any in the rules. YKYLM dominoscraft
Generally there is a 100 block rule, but it is also dependent on where the claim is. And if the player wants you to build by them. If the player asks you to stop and relocate yourself its common courtesy to do so. After all, the map is large, there is no reason to be building next to someone unless they give the okay.

Thats sort of where moderation comes in, when there is a player issue that cannot be solved at the player level it is normally brought to the attention of the higher ups and a decision is made as to if the player is in the right or the wrong.
Domino, I would have go agree with Nova. It is common courtesy to not build right on top of someone else. This is mostly because people always want to expand their areas. If you have anymore question or comments msg a member of staff and we can discuss it more.


This was not for a claim or build though, but for breaking blocks. I see where Domino is frustrated with unsaid rules. Are we to watch the map to make sure we do not come near anyone while exploring or mining? It is the 'unwritten' rules that each staff member chooses and chooses how to enforce that can become frustrating, we are not even talking about someone who trolls, but dom who has enjoyed building on the server and is a respected player. I am not trying to start some war but want to state I agree with Dominos frustration.

I completely understand checking with neighbors before claiming/building as a courtesy yet this is also not a rule, nor pertains to this topic, and not all players are courteous.
I understand where you are coming from jessica, but breaking blocks is very much like building. In a world where everything is square just about everything can be used to build.

If we were to make a rule about building next to people it would constantly be changed and added to because people would try to find ways to get around the rules. Even now, with the basic generalization of 100 blocks people try to get around it. So if they were to set this in stone and say "You cannot build withing 100 blocks" people would argue 'but I'm not building, I'm breaking blocks' so we'd have to change it to 'you cannot build or break blocks within 100 blocks' to which people would start placing cactus around the perimeter of a build. Then we would have to change it to 'you cannot build, break blocks or place items withing 100 blocks." Then people would place blocks, arguing that cobble is not the same as a tree/cacti. SO then we would have to change the rule to "you cannot build, break blocks, place items or blocks within 100 blocks of another player build." To which I am most certain someone will find a way to have a loop hole. They'll build underneath a protection or mine down further than a protection and argue that its not directly on the rule so they're not to be held responsible.

Ontop of that I have no doubt that he was asked to stop before he was put in jail. Pljz is one of the moderators that tends to have more patience with players than most. He would not just throw a player in webjail without any warning to stop whatever it was they were doing.
I think the rule should be:

" Do not make GP protections and/or build any 'permanent' structure (dwelling etc.) within 100 blocks of another player "

Again, it's no one's fault, because it simply isn't documented (yet).

But yeah, if you stumbled across some nice looking flowers and decided to pick them, unaware of the fact that it's right outside someone's claim, it's kinda harsh that you'd be punished for it.
Right, so it's about time I cleared the air with this, and what's going on in regards to claim distances.

First off, as to why you were placed in webjail: After repeated warnings from myself to move away from the claim, you continued to dig and mess with the landscape around it... simply, it was just disrespect.

The general rule at the moment, though not clearly stated, is to have that basic form of respect to other players, and to not build within 100 blocks unless given permission, as Jack said.

With that said, we are now working on setting up a claim distance through the GreifPrevention plugin so instead of a rule, it will just be part of the server. Most likely, there will be between a 50-100 block distance set in between claims.