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Started by [E] dead [1]

Poor bloke. Never heard of him before, but he seems nice enough and that shouldn't have to happen to anyone.
I have watched a couple of his gameplay commentaries and he seemed like a really nice, kind guy. I felt sooo bad for the guy. the video is really sad, and what sick fuck messes with someones ashes? it's just sick. The poor guy did not deserve to be treated like that. Hope they catch the losers.
Gypsy's T_T

search on utube gypsy7thst
Jallaf_OG wrote:
Gypsy's T_T

search on utube gypsy7thst

More than likely just a troll trying to get his jollies by messing with people.
I hate him. He's a stupid money-grabbing faggot who uses his subscribers for income.

-Pred x.
#PredSpread wrote:
I hate him. He's a stupid money-grabbing faggot who uses his subscribers for income.

-Pred x.

"Hate" is a bit strong, I think, but I echo your sentiments. People who make videos of themselves and upload them to YouTube are generally attention-seeking neurotics, sixteen year old girls named "Boxxy," conspiracy theory nutbars, wanna-be rappers, or some horrible combination of them all.

How do we know he didn't stage the break-in to boost his views? (I haven't watched the clip, and will not.)

Anyway, there's my two-cents.
Poor thing
DarthZimmeris wrote:
#PredSpread wrote:
I hate him. He's a stupid money-grabbing faggot who uses his subscribers for income.

-Pred x.

"Hate" is a bit strong, I think, but I echo your sentiments. People who make videos of themselves and upload them to YouTube are generally attention-seeking neurotics, sixteen year old girls named "Boxxy," conspiracy theory nutbars, wanna-be rappers, or some horrible combination of them all.

How do we know he didn't stage the break-in to boost his views? (I haven't watched the clip, and will not.)

Anyway, there's my two-cents.

I did feel very sorry for the guy when I watched it. He was a bit of a cock for daring the robbers to come back at the end but when a situation like that happens your emotions are all over the place. You do things you wouldnt normally do as its not a normal situation for you to be in. His life is solely on youtube so of course it was expected of him to post this. Its his way of coping with what has happened. Im pretty sure all those supportive messages he is recieving is helping him deal with it a lot better than doing it alone.

I dont believe this this was set up. I really dont think he would destroy his house, say both his parents were dead, mess up what little possesions he had of them and sob like that for 'entertainment'. Even I cant cry on queue lol.

I really felt for the guy and it was very distressing to see what they had done to the place. A close friend was broken into and the amount of pointless destruction the robbers had caused was immense for the small amount they had taken. It really throws you into reality and makes you aware of other peoples situations. I really cant imagine what I would be like if this were to happen to me.

Pred, you're judging too quickly, think of the bigger picture than 'youtube views'.
Was gunna post "I dont care"

but damn, poor guy got his mother's shit fucked up