I've set up this thread just because I'd like to know where the server's money is, and I'm curious like that. It'll also help people get money, so they know how to improve they're in-game finances. Which city is richest? Who's the richest player? Why? I can't be the only person curious about this.... hopefully the people who have larger amounts of money will be able to post advice. Me, personally, I have some money, but not much.
i believe that manny of the REAL value in minetown is in all the amazing building and contructions made by all the minetownnians on this server.
being rich aint about having alot dia block in a chest, its about having friend and having a good time with other people, and make nice buildings that people will remeber you for.
thats what i think.
of course you can be rich in some ways by having alot dia in your vault but it wont EVER make you happy to have them there. its what you do with them that makes you felling good, for exsample using them to help your friends or make something nice of them.
friendship and epic cretions is much more valueabble than gold and dia!
being rich aint about having alot dia block in a chest, its about having friend and having a good time with other people, and make nice buildings that people will remeber you for.
thats what i think.
of course you can be rich in some ways by having alot dia in your vault but it wont EVER make you happy to have them there. its what you do with them that makes you felling good, for exsample using them to help your friends or make something nice of them.
friendship and epic cretions is much more valueabble than gold and dia!
I agree with 8x8, minecraft isnt about gold or diamonds, but building epic creations that people will remember you for. Me? Personally, im pretty sucky at building, but if im determined, i produce some pretty cool sh*t man! Plus, the only real fun way to make diamonds and gold, is to make cities and farms that you can sell acces to. If you really, REALLY wan't diamonds and gold, you might as well mine them legit. But just remember, its all right here -->
I mean here...-->

All of mine town's money is at spawn city
For all of its history and people
For all of its history and people
Ah, but if you have no money to buy many materials, then you can't build the stuff that makes you happy. I agree with what you're saying, but most of the stuff in spawn city, was that made via a mine or a shop? The original stuff would have been mined, but spawn city or any other city for that matter wouldn't have been made without iconomy or whatever it is we have.
ElectricFlames wrote:
All of mine town's money is at spawn city
For all of its history and people
For all of its history and people
Does that make all the people who helped build it founders? lol
also not ALL of its history, just most of it
if this was serious i would set up a stock exchange but it is a game