I was banned earlier today then I was unbanned and now im banned again why?
You must post a proper ban appeal. Also you where banned for harassment and luring of players.
Bandrew was banned and unbanned earlier today by you, Bandrew97 was mining, the he got kicked and banned again, even tho he has just mined today.

who did I even harass?
Dude that player guy was like "bandrew97 your nothing but a troll" he said I like 6 times hrs like if you dont stop being a fag Im going to report you again
Dude, get your facts straight, He killed 2 people three days ago, and he lost the items when he died in lava. He isn't harassing anyone..

We have checked the logs and it shows him tpa'ing someone to his location then placing lava killing them and then removing the lava. That is strait out luring which is against the rules. If you want to be un-banned post a ban appeal.
I warned Bandrew a few days ago that luring would get him banned. And now I see he has continued? not good