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[Enjin Archive] Agharta Pigman Farms
Started by [E] Dragoness

At the next restart, pigman spawning from nether portals will be disabled. I know there are several players that were taking advantage of this vanilla feature responsibly and I would prefer to not "punish" them for a few extreme cases. Unfortunately, predicting which of the pigman farms will become problems isn't always a simple matter, some have initially worked fine before spawning would be uncontrolled. Additionally, it is "easy" for a single player to abuse the pigman farms to make the server unplayable.

With Craftbukkit development at a standstill, including some of the newer api versions removed, I am uncertain a point that some sort of solution can be provided, that responsible players can again take advantage of an inbuilt part of the game.

I am sorry about the inconvenience this matter has caused.
Wow. Just wow. I hate to see what kind of reaction this will cause. Minetown has taken some serious blows and has had many members out the door and many more barely staying. I can not understand in the slightest why no warning could have been given to the players. To let them know how these farms are affecting the server and that they would have to be limited or some form of option. There is a large network of members who care greatly about this server and would have worked to keep it functioning well had they been given an option.

I have never played any server except Agharta, it was the first server I joined in Feb. and has been my home. Since Feb I have logged 100 days on this server and have built a network of friends. Slowly I have watched them be chipped away and it truly hurts to know this continuing long string of changes being made to the server in such rash ways will continue to hurt the member count. This may sound ridiculous to some, but as I have said to many members there are reasons each of us that dedicates this much time to a server has. Each our own, but for each of us there is something.

My bottom line would be to please let us know when there is an issue, let us help you in any way we can, we want to keep this server going and become stronger.
@8928915 wrote:
I can not understand in the slightest why no warning could have been given to the players. To let them know how these farms are affecting the server and that they would have to be limited or some form of option.
@8928915 wrote:
My bottom line would be to please let us know when there is an issue, let us help you in any way we can, we want to keep this server going and become stronger.

Modern has given several warnings in the past to the players who's farms caused lag problems. She told dteandy that if lag problems continue with the cause being pigman farms, they would be going. Everyone has known the reason for lag spikes is due to the pigman farms, yet people still decide to afk for hours, bringing the server to a crawl. In my opinion this is a welcomed change, and we will lose less new players because of the server being laggy.
I have to agree with Elite, Not only has Modern come on and physically taken out a few (at least one I know of for sure) pigman farms for their out of control-ness I know she has talked about the effect they can (and were/are) having on the server.

Not only that, but the crazy village Idiot (me) has stated multiple times that farms like that do nothing but cause lag, and are abused. I may not have come out and said "They're going away" (Its not my place to make that judgement) but I have given several warnings about how farms in general destroyed classic and made it one big lag fest.

Again, as modern said, this is not a punishment. Its not meant to screw over players. The issue they're having is these mob farms are hitting the server hard, causing mass amounts of lag when left unchecked/abused. Instead of having -every- player experience lag just so a few can have farms it has been decided the lag would be removed so everyone can enjoy Minetown.

Yes, it is unfortunate that we as a whole have lost players for one reason or another, and if people choose to go then they weren't really here for the community Minetown has to offer. I would like to think it is the players that make the game fun, not the fact that one can have a gold farm. If people were truly only stay for gold farms then they would have found another reason to leave sooner or later.
Point your fingers at me guys.

I have tried to figure out why at certain times you go to my gold farm and there are hundreds loaded and have come up clueless. If this will help lag issues so be it-it was nice while it lasted; and myself being a major gold farm afker, I'm not upset, and I urge the rest of you to accept the change as it is and move forward. We can go mining like we use to do, no sense bickering back and forth.
This time i do not think it was you dte, i was on the other day then in chat someone said they went afk all night and got 100 xp & 2k pigman when they woke up, then said he was going school and afking.

I understand it is for the good of server as i was getting some serious lag issues for a while which made me not want to play. For the players that have Pigman farms and not caused the issues , could you maybe turn of the portals to make for easier demolition of them please?
Maybe we should get rid of the Nether!


@1152292 wrote:
Maybe we should get rid of the Nether!

But but but...glowstones...

My precious >.< . lol x3

But im all for it though, at times i dont even feel like bothering to log on, because everything feels stagnant, and the people complacent.

Its nice to see old players supporting that change.
Oh Angel, it would be fine, they would sell it in admin shop, we can also get rid of trapped chests, item frames, and flowing water and lava as these all cause considerable server lag when used in mass.
That could be one option, the admin shop could have all nether items available at a fair price which in-turn would improve the economy/voting as people would need to generate more of an income to buy the said item's.