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[Enjin Archive] Need everyone's opinions please
Started by [E] Eunjun

Hi guys,

I made a new faction (that technically doesn't have a name, but to satisfy the required name for when I submitted it being a real faction it is: the Organization, and will be referred to as such for the duration of this thread, and all time just to make things easier).

I am interested in designing a HUGE parkour track. However, I need to know some things and explain some things before I get too far into it. I don't want it to be like Griff's parkour where it was slow paced and so many choices to choose from at ever moment, although there will be than just the parkour I'm talking about.

Now then, to be a member of the Organization you have to pass certain "tests," or "trails." Part of this includes Parkour, both fast paced sprinting continuously AND the mind game type (like Griff's event that he had at /warp ejump). However, I also want to make this a community hot spot for people to practice their skills. There will be slight differences in the community track and the actual Organization "trials" track, however both tracks will be the same. In other words, there will be some features of the track that I won't turn on (i.e. fire, lava, water, moving blocks using pistons, etc.).

My friend actually works with M33taphor, and showed me some of his maps and work, this is what m33taphor did:


Watch all three episodes, and watch both paths on the third episode (the right path is way cooler).

Now then, I do NEED an Admin or a Mod to comment on this. Is it possible to get a zone of land where hunger does not decrease? This will only be used for the track, of course. This way, there could be unlimited sprinting for the track (however I highly doubt anyone will be able to 100% sprint the course I have in mind). As well, is it possible to get that same zone to be immune from damage (meaning the player won't take fall damage)? Preferably, it'd be nice if the person can still take damage from mobs like skeletons and such, but it is fine if no damage at all, but the fall damage is a must that needs to go away for the track I have in mind.

If I can't get damage nullification, I will need ideas on how to make damage not happen, without effecting the amount of time it takes to complete the track. Like, is there a way to do a 1x1 block of water in a hole that won't fall, but will slow a person down enough so they don't die? Or what? Tell me your ideas on how to mitigate damage.

As well, is anyone interested in volunteering to clear land? You will NOT be paid to clear land, and you can clear land whenever you'd want. I still need to pick a better location as well for my track, as I've just realized my current location is surrounded by other people's wild zone's housing, and new cities. I will later on walk FAR FAR FAR away from everyone (probably about 3 hours of straight walking from my current city, away from Minetown).

If you've ever played Mirror's Edge (such a great game, in my opinion) it will be of that sort of fast paced style.


You will get the following:

- You will have a statue of yourself displayed in the Organization's Statue Garden.

- You're name will be displayed on the Deity board (basically what you would call a donator's board, except will play a role in my faction - volunteers that get on the Deity board can not become a number in my faction, sorry).

- Sections of the track will be given names, volunteers can then choose a name for a section (each volunteer will get one section to name).

- Probably something else too

Please, everyone give me your input on this. The more input you give, the better I can make this project.

If I start today, estimated complete if I do it alone is: January 12, 2012 (if I work on it for one hour a day on days I have university, and 5+ hours a day when I'm off of uni). Volunteers will help to decrease the time of clearing the land. Land clearing will consist of one of two things: Either it will be clearing land all the way down to 1 unit above bedrock OR to a set amount, if I find a nice area with a lot of BIG caves (otherwise I might just have to make some caves).

IF you volunteer and IF I choose to mine down to a certain level and for us to artificially make caves, you are to leave resources intact if they aren't in the area to dig (it will help to add to the authenticity of the "cave" that we create.

As well, who all will be interested in using this IF it get's built? How often would you want to use it?

REMINDER: This is still in the planing phase. This is my current plan pending it is possible for the zone to have no decrease in hunger and no health loss. If either of these is not possible, the parkour track will change from this idea (only slightly). It would then change to have check points along the way with FREE food (don't be a jerk and take all the food, only what you need to get hunger to 100% and put the rest back) and then doing the next check point.

Beware: Mistakes on this track result in one of two things: You will either die (I'd like lava to still kill people) or you will have to restart the whole track (if you only just fall). There will be NO warps in the middle of the track. I will also be finding a way to make the track only allow one person at a time (so that no one messes others up).

Again, all your input is wanted. Admins and Mods, are my requests do-able?

Thank you all for reading,
dunsjohn wrote:
Now then, I do NEED an Admin or a Mod to comment on this. Is it possible to get a zone of land where hunger does not decrease?

It's not possible. (atm afaik)
dunsjohn wrote:
As well, is it possible to get that same zone to be immune from damage (meaning the player won't take fall damage)?

This could be doable, although I don't think it's possible to distinct fall damages from monster damages in a region.

I'd recommend to keep going with your project and to ignore those 2 things. I think you should only question yourself about the food issues once you completed the course. And for the damage removal, it will be possible to make "a deal" once we see what this tracks looks like in the end.

Also, you might want to restructure your post a little to make it look a bit more appealing to read, because right now I think most people will skip it with the "TL;DR mention".
What do you mean by "TL;Dl mention?" Sorry, I'm not familiar with some acronyms.

Edit: I made a typo in my first post that I edited, I meant TL;DR not TL;DL.
Oh, okay. I'll make a new thread, only providing basic information and what is actually needed. Sorry for making it an eye strain.
You can close this one if you desire it, Sawine.