wanted to be a menber please promote me as fast as you can because i have been long waited and vote for every website i am new and the reason i want to be a member because i want to see how much money i got that will be real fun!!! and if you can i want to be a mod i been mod since 1993 in novscaft offence:none experience mod if cant just promote me to a menber thanks
You impatient son of a bitch. Wait in line and don't try to jump.
You impatient son of a bitch. Wait in line and don't try to jump.
davekerwinlim wrote:
wanted to be a menber please promote me as fast as you can because i have been long waited and vote for every website i am new and the reason i want to be a member because i want to see how much money i got that will be real fun!!! and if you can i want to be a mod i been mod since 1993 in novscaft offence:none experience mod if cant just promote me to a menber thanks
HOLY SHIT .. Cool story bro ..Tell it again
You must be proficient in reading and interpreting English, German, 1337speak, and "immature kid who doesn't have the patience to write properly" speak. Also, you must have patience to deal with kids who mean business when they say
davkerwinlim wrote:
i been mod since 1993 in novscaft offence:none
Otherwise, they will be lost in translation.
davekerwinlim wrote:
wanted to be a menber please promote me as fast as you can because i have been long waited and vote for every website i am new and the reason i want to be a member because i want to see how much money i got that will be real fun!!! and if you can i want to be a mod i been mod since 1993 in novscaft offence:none experience mod if cant just promote me to a menber thanks

Epic Masta, just epic
davekerwinlim wrote:
i been mod since 1993 in novscaft
