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[Enjin Archive] Stories of MineTown
Started by [E] *Chriss

i wanna see who out there can write a good story. just make one up try to base it off events in MineTown ill start
remember to go into the attic first to learn the story behind mah event house

"the rise and fall of the house of Omega"

many centuries ago broly had a child named Chick later named Omega_Chick when she married omega one day she over heard a convorsation between omega and broly. a terifying plan to over throw sawine and take over MineTown the said "The MIA has yet to discover our hacks we shall move into action on saturday" she spoke out against there plan immediatly and was immediatly regretful as broly dragged her into the attic disableing any warps spawns tp's or any other means of escaping there she stayed. There she died after broly and omega attacked MT omega hid and pretended he had been under the imperius curse and had nothing to do with it ,putting everything onto broly. broly was banned and omega went to his wife whom now lay dead in the attic he picked her up and built her a tomb beneath the dungeon hidden in the well. he laid down with her, her Elder wand (stick) and her stone of power (diamond) he bobby trapped the dungeons so to protect his wife and her prized treasures.he sought further protection for her so he decided there needed to be new leadership leadership fit to protect and serve so he then again assulted MineTown but underestimated the SA (sawines Army) after the final showdown of sawine and omega in the spawn temple sawine's avarda kedavra codes (BAN) hit omega dead center banishing omega from the realm of MT forever. Omega_Chick lay to this day untouched in her place of burial. shes un touched for good reason !

Note this is a complete fiction story nothing in here is true or even slightly based on actual events this was just a fun backround story
I get many whispers off people a day, one day some guy whispered me asking if I could help him find some land to build. Ususally if im super busy I will direct him to the next best source but that day I was able to and I was feeling super nice so what the heck, i'll try find him a large nice area. I whisper him back about it and I must have scared him cause he went offline and hasnt come back on since O_O

Mines a true story, it amused me so I thought I would share :3
Figured out that sayomie didn't remove halloween world, just made it a normal world. Blew a tunnel 1000 blocks long and then set off 13069 tnt at the end of it. Turns out there was an ocean above me, lagged like a ***** for aboute a minute and a half real-time
***MineTown Wars, Episode II: Attack of the Winks***

Darth Sawine, Lord of MineTown, sat perched atop the server box in the cold, gray light of the early morning, the first rays of a blood-red sun were just beginning to climb over the horizon and in through the window.

With a snarl, the Dark Lord drew his cloak even closer about him, and lowered his hood. He simply detested the early morning hours, but he was waiting: Waiting for an old friend, who was already ten minutes late.

A rustle was heard not far off, and as Sawine turned to locate the source of the sound, a shadowy figure emerged from behind the iron gate which protected the entrance to the tape backup room.

"You're late," said Darth Sawine, in a cracked, broken voice.

"Forgive me, my Lord," replied the shadowy visitor in a high pitched nasal twang, "There was traffic on Rue Prince Arthur."

"Ahhh, Sayomie, my old friend," cackled the Dark Lord, "you've been using that excuse since before you could drive!"

"My Lord--," began Darth Sayomie.

"Nevermind, nevermind!," interrupted the Dark Lord, "we have logs to review," and casting a misgiving eye towards the climbing sun, he said: "I want to get this done before midday. Follow."

"Yes, my Lord" replied Sayomie.

The two cloaked figures made their way to the dual-hoverdesk which floated just a few feet off the floor in the middle of the large, sterile server room. On either side of the desk they each had a shimmering black workstation made from purest Obsidian, inlaid with gold. Two bookkeeper's lamps sat in the center of the desk, casting a pale green light across the tile floor.

"Login," commanded Sawine, "and lets go over the security logs from last night."

"Just a second, my Lord," replied Sayomie, as he entered his 257 digit passcode with one long, pink, bony finger.

"Coffee?," inquired the Dark Lord.

"Yes, thank you," replied Sayomie.

And so the two sat, each at his own workstation, mug in hand, preparing to review the pages and pages of logfiles from the previous night.

When suddenly...

"My Lord! My Lord!," screamed Sayomie, as bells and whistles began to chime across the chamber, "we're receiving suspicious port activity on the WAN interface!"

"Ah. Just as I expected," replied Sawine with a hint of malice in his voice, "Sayomie: Team Wink is here. I let slip our backport WAN address on hackforums, so as to lure them into a trap! There is no need for panic. Please activate the defense protocols and inform the Admins that we are under attack."

"Immediately, my Lord," and as he turned towards the large bank of phones to his right, he paused and asked: "What of the mods, my Lord?"

"I have sent the mods to the far side of our network, they are hiding behind a ToR proxy and ready to cut off any escape," replied Sawine.

"My Lord is most wise," beamed Sayomie, his voice trembling with fear and awe.

"Inform the Admins that I want them all to lock an offending I.P., and begin sending packets back down the wire, on my command," ordered Sawine.

"Yes, my Lord," replied Sayomie.

After a few moments, a red light on Sayomie's console began to blink, and he turned toward Sawine, and said: "My Lord, the Admins are standing by."

"You may begin," replied Sawine.

"Admins!," boomed Sayomie into his headset, "you are cleared to engage. Fire at will."

Cheers of "huzzah! huzzah!" could be heard from Sayomie's earpiece, as the Admins began to fire.

"Battle status?," inquired Sawine, as he toggled between programs.

"My Lord, we have succeeded in flooding the connections of some fifteen Team Wink members, but there are two I.P.'s which are giving us trouble," replied Sayomie.

"What sort of trouble?," inquired Sawine.

"My Lord, the I.P.'s appear to be randomizing, and our Admins cannot achieve a lock," said Sayomie.

"Fools!," sputtered the Dark Lord, "Sayomie, order the Admins to back off, I shall deal with these two myself."

With that Darth Sawine stood up, and flung his thick, black hood back and let it fall down his shoulders. Sawine raised both his arms high above his head, and, bringing them down again with tremendous force towards the server box, began to scream.

Electric blue light burst forth from Darth Sawine's fingertips and arc'd across the room. The bolts struck the server box, entered into it, and began streaming down the line towards the Team Wink routers. Sawine was still screaming, his voice high and clear, and Sayomie fell back in amazement.

"What magic is this, my Lord?!" shouted Sayomie from across the room, his voice muffled by the hurricane force winds which began to blow across the chamber, scattering papers and old Tim Horton's wrappers about like some vast cyclone.

Sawine did not answer, and the air began to spark. The entire room smelled of ozone. Sayomie could barely see the Dark Lord anymore, his shadowy form encased in a globe of blue fire, but he could still hear his shrill cry, climbing ever higher above the din.

And in an instant, everything was silent...

Sayomie got up from his place on the floor, and ran over to Sawine, who was still standing hunched over the server box, his black cloak rising and falling with the pace of his panting breath. Sayomie placed his hand on the Dark Lord's shoulder, and whispered: "Are you alright, my Lord?"

"I am fine," wheezed Sawine, "Tell me: Are there any more offending connections to report?"

Darth Sayomie walked over to his workstation, tapped a few keys, and with a look of delight on his face, turned to Darth Sawine and said: "No, my Lord. Their routers have gone offline."

And at that, Darth Sawine began to laugh.

Cody Hollaway the founder of Minetown and the server before we had whitelisting...

To be continued...
I think Darth wins this one O_O
I remember the day where biomes where introduced into multiplayer, me and gear naturally wanted to see these biomes to i said i would to find him some, so i warped out to the middle of nowhere, which at the time was the furthest point away in the creative map. me not havent i compass or any thing, walked 3000 blocks back into the spawn zone, unsuccessfully finding any biomes ;n;