uhhh, spoutcraft says theres an update for MC, and there isnt. Then it fails to load...
and i found one
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/user-rp-spout-perm-mysql-spoutplayers-1-9-1-player-models-appearance-pms-and-more-1240.33445/ what it does?
- name: change the name
- cape: change the cape
- skin: change the skin
- mob: change into a mob with a valid ID number of a minecraft entity. Get them from the wiki.
- grav: changes how quickly you will fall. will still take fall damage. will get kicked if floating for too long.
- walk: how fast you walk
- swim: how fast you swim
- air: how fast you fly
- sight: how far the player can see. reduce lag or increase visibility.
- jump: how high you can jump
- fly: true or false
- pm: send an achievement notification to a player with your name and message
- warn: constantly send a warning to a player until you send another warning with only a fullstop in it
EDIT: nm, it has a huge spout update o.e