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[Enjin Archive] HK's Minetown Monopoly (Including Rules)
Started by Unknown User

Hello everyone,

As some of you may be aware, I have recently adapted and constructed a Monopoly board near the east9k warp (just follow the signs) that I am now officially opening to the public! With it being Minetown themed, you may just notice your favorite classic server cities or towns now featuring as properties along with some funny chance and community chest cards that will liven things up a bit, due to being minecraft themed. The full intent of this is to act as a non-official but rather player backed event on the main world, simply for fun.

As such, there are a few simple rules and guidelines that will need to be followed in order to play the game properly.

The MOST important thing that you must be aware of is that the game is not free to play. It is also a 4 player max game, not including a separate player who acts as the banker.

While I originally wished to host this as free to play, it quickly became apparent that I would not be able to sustain the game if I did not otherwise charge for certain elements. This is why there is a $200 mtc Entrance Fee; payable to myself; in order to register as a player. You must also buy a specialized kit for the starting Monopoly Money (the remaining money the board will utilize is provided by the bank, free of charge) in order to start off with, along with purchasing your player token kit which is your custom choice of 1 of 8 given wool colors.

The game board money runs along the following setup:

1 Dirt = $1 Bill

1 Cobble = $5 Bill

1 Sand = $10 Bill

1 Gravel = $20 Bill

1 Stone = $50 Bill

1 Log = $100 Bill

1 Obsidian = $500 Bill

These prices are in no way representative of the ingame market values of these blocks, simply having been picked to function as a particular board-based item.

The winner of the game receives 4 gold bars, and is allowed to keep the entire amassed board wealth as their winning prize. Banktrupt players do not keep any board items what-so-ever.

With that, I shall now post the full set of rules designed/adapted for the game playable in Minecraft:


To begin with, each player purchases their colored token. Then they place their token on the Go space on the board, only when his/her first turn to move arrives. A separate player becomes the Banker, who distributes assets from the Bank to the players. Only the player in question can use their respective money, money can only by lent via the banker or by the player remortgaging an asset, and money can not be lent by another player. Each player receives two $500, two $100, two $50, six $20, five $10, five $5, and five $1 bills. The Bank has 64 houses and 64 hotels, but never runs out of money. If necessary, the Banker can create more money to give to players. When you pass GO you receive $200.


Each player, in turn, rolls both dice and then moves forward (clockwise around the board) the number of spaces indicated by the sum of the numbers rolled. Action is then taken depending on the space on which the player lands:

- If the player lands on an unowned property, he or she may buy it for the price listed on that property's space. If he or she agrees to buy it, he or she pays the Bank the amount shown on the property space and receives the deed for that property. There can only be one player per color. If he or she decides not to buy it, the property is auctioned, and the bidding may start at any price. The highest bidder wins the property and pays the Bank the amount bid and receives the property's title deed. Railroads and utilities are also properties.

- If the player lands on an unmortgaged property owned by another player, he or she pays rent to that person, as specified on the property's deed. It is the property owner's responsibility to demand rent, and he or she has until the beginning of the second following player's turn to do so.

- If the player lands on his or her own property, or on property which is owned by another player but currently mortgaged, nothing happens.

- If the player lands on Credit Tax/Luxury Tax, he or she must pay the Bank $100.

- If the player lands on Admin Shop/Income Tax, he or she must pay the Bank either $200 or 10% of his or her total assets (cash on hand, property, houses and hotels). In some editions of the game, this is a flat rate of $200.

- If the player lands a on Chance or Community Chest, the player takes a book card from the machine of the respective space and performs the instruction given on the card.

- If the player lands on the Jail space, he or she is "Just Visiting" and does nothing. No penalty applies.

- If the player lands on the Ban Hammer square, he or she must move their token directly to Jail.

- If the player lands on or passes Go in the course of his or her turn, he or she receives $200 from the bank.

If a player does not have sufficient funds to pay off a rent or fee, he or she may take a loan from the bank by mortgaging one or more properties or trade property deeds to other players in the game.

Players may not loan money to other players, only the bank can loan money, and then only by mortgaging properties. If a property is mortgaged, a sale of this property can be forced by another player by offering the bank a sum more than the mortgaged price. This forces the person mortgaging the property to buy it back at that time or relinquish the property to the bank which may then be purchased for sale for the offered price.

If a player skips another player's turn and is caught, the turn is transferred back to the player whose turn was skipped.


When doubles are rolled, the player picks up the dice and moves again, however, while house rules may vary, the official rules state that you do land on the square you landed on, on your first roll, and you must pay the price or should you so choose, buy the property in question. After the third roll of doubles, rather than landing on the square you would go to, go immediately to jail, and therefore, do not enact the appropriate action of landing on that square.


A player can be directed to jail in three ways: by landing on the Ban Hammer space, by drawing a "Go to Jail" Chance or Community Chest book card or rolling three doubles. In any of these cases, the player moves directly into jail, without collecting the $200 for passing Go.

A player in jail remains there until he/she does one of the following:

- Opts to pay a $50 bailout to the bank, or spend a "Get out of Jail Free" card, before rolling the dice

- Rolls doubles

- Fails to roll doubles on his/her third turn in jail, in which case the $50 charge is levied anyway (the player may not use a "Get out of Jail Free" card in this situation)

In any of these cases, the dice rolled on the turn on which the player leaves jail are played out. However, in the second case, the power of the doubles is "used up" by bailing the player out of jail, and so he/she does not get an extra turn. On the other hand, if the player rolls doubles in the first case, the extra turn is still granted.

While in jail, a player may not buy and erect houses/hotels, sell or buy property, however may still collect rent.

Properties, Rents, and Construction:

You can only buy houses or hotels second time round on the board. You can't buy these on the first round. If a player lands on property and refuses to buy it the others may bid on the property. The player with the highest bid gets the property. Properties are arranged in "color groups" of two or three properties. Once a player owns all properties of a color group (a monopoly), the rent is now doubled on all unimproved lots of that color group, even if some of the properties are mortgaged to the Bank, and the player may purchase either one to four houses or one hotel (which is equivalent to five houses) for those properties (as long as none of the properties of that color group are mortgaged to the bank), which raise the rents that must be paid when other players land on the property. The properties in a color group must be developed evenly, i.e. each house that is built must go on a property in the group with the fewest number of houses on it so far. In another way of speaking, the number of houses of any properties of a same color group must not differ by more than one. For example, houses in a group may be distributed (2,3,2) or (0,1,1) or (4,4,3), but not (1,2,3) or (0,4,4).

If a property is owned by a player and another player lands on the property and the owner does not realise it before another player rolls the dice then the player does not have to pay the owner.

5 Houses are equal to 1 Hotel. House prices are on the property cards.

A hotel may be built on a color group only after all properties in the group have four houses. A player purchases a hotel by paying the price of an additional house, and returning the four houses on that property to the bank in exchange for a hotel.

The bank has a fixed supply of 88 houses and 22 hotels.

At any time a player may, to raise cash, return hotels and houses to the bank for the mortgage value on the front of the card. If there are sufficient houses in the bank, hotels may also be "broken down" into a number of houses for the corresponding percentage of their purchase price. For example, hotels in one color group may be replaced by two houses each, and for each hotel thus broken down, the player receives half the cost of three houses. Also, properties with no houses or hotels may be mortgaged for half of the property price. A property does not collect rent while mortgaged and may not be developed. To de-mortgage a property a player must pay interest of 10% in addition to the mortgage price. Whenever a mortgaged property changes hands between players, either through a trade, sale or by bankruptcy, the new owner must immediately pay 10% interest on the mortgage and at their option may pay the principal or hold the property. If the player holds the property and later wishes to lift the mortgage they must pay the 10% interest again as well as the principal.

Sharing the ownership of any property is strictly forbidden and equals in the players involved forfeiting the game.

For a street repairs card, the player must pay for every house and/or hotel they own on the board.

Cardinal Direction and Time of Day Rent:

The rent a player owes for landing on a Cardinal Direction varies with the number of Cardinal Directions the owner possesses. The rent is as follows: Charge $25 if one owned, $50 if two owned, $100 if three owned, $200 if all owned by the same owner.

For Time of Day, after a player lands on one to owe rent, they must roll the dice again to determine the rent amount. The rent is 10 times the amount rolled if the owner has both, or 4 times if not.
I saw the name and expected a complaint thread about HK having a monopoly on everything