Baber, are any of them banned? I would relaly like to participate, as I've told you earlier. If you could add just one lot, I would be extremely grateful towards you. <3
EDIT: I believe that there would be a perfect spot for one more lot at the bottom of the picture showing all of the lots....if we could just smack one in the middle of those two lots... :/
I realize it was my fault for not replying earlier and getting myself into the contest, but you literally ended the contest a few moments as I was about to make a late reply. If I could not be added into the contest, then perhaps I could help out in the contest in some other way, like helping make the market? As much as I'df love to be in the contest, helpingi t out is just as good...but if you can find a spot for me, I would be greatly appreciative of it. Thanks in advance, once again. <3