A few days ago i believe the day before the new map i recieved a message from toffie woffie saying to warp chrisseb1. i knew for a fact what this warp was it was my admin vault. curious of how he knew about that vault , and why i might need to warp there i warp and find toffie woffie standing in my deluxe vault. now today i warp to the vault and find that a moment or so after i warped that toffie had appeared in my vault once again he then left moments later he reappeared weilding a dia sword. i immediatly flipped out (of which i apologize for) and jallaf was patient enough and kind enough to come and figure out what was going on.he says he was not added to the warp. he says he may have glitched in but glitches like this can no be done on command and on top of that how did he know warp name and whose vault it was there was no sign depicting name so if in fact he did glitch in how did he know it was mine? i STORNGLY believe that this is him acting out about a problem that had arisen in the knights templar faction resulting in him being removed from faction. i also believe his presence there was indeed intentional and i am strongly pushing that action be done about this, i fond this COMPLETELY unacceptable. i now present this evidence to the matter.Note the following this morning the warp had been remade with only me on it. though being called chrisseb1 i use this vault for the knights templar high security storage choco was not added to warp and i had been tping choco in. i was also with choco the entire time he was inside.
4 - No hacking, no duping, no glitching and no cheat client modifications.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Duplicating items via any technique.
Using see-through or "x-rays" texture pack to locate ores or other stuff.
Using a cheat client.
Speed hacks.
Exploiting any other game glitches.(<
if he waas infact glitching)
Please also note that being on the receiving side of a trade with duped/spawned items will also get you in trouble. If you have any items in your possession that have been hacked, report it and hand them to an admin ASAP.

"kingmark added me too it"
1st the warp was deleted and remade this morning
2nd u said just now that you had glitched

Him in my Vault

"party in admin vault"
"its not private to me"
"party In Seller"
clearly his appering in my vault was indeed intentional and in a frenzy of lies tripped him self up where as today hes saying he glitched. also as stated above exploiting glitches is against the rules. i STRONGLY suggest he be banned from this server PERMANENTLY
4 - No hacking, no duping, no glitching and no cheat client modifications.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Duplicating items via any technique.
Using see-through or "x-rays" texture pack to locate ores or other stuff.
Using a cheat client.
Speed hacks.
Exploiting any other game glitches.(<
if he waas infact glitching)
Please also note that being on the receiving side of a trade with duped/spawned items will also get you in trouble. If you have any items in your possession that have been hacked, report it and hand them to an admin ASAP.

"kingmark added me too it"
1st the warp was deleted and remade this morning
2nd u said just now that you had glitched

Him in my Vault

"party in admin vault"
"its not private to me"
"party In Seller"
clearly his appering in my vault was indeed intentional and in a frenzy of lies tripped him self up where as today hes saying he glitched. also as stated above exploiting glitches is against the rules. i STRONGLY suggest he be banned from this server PERMANENTLY