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[Enjin Archive] Rabbi Sababa aka *God Spamming and Trolling Chat
Started by [E] *Chriss

again, if i must say ( removed caps )ban his ass, who cares if he's a $2000 donater?! he just uses his donations as a way of getting unbanned, what if i did this? i would be banned on the spot PERMANENTLY, and rabbi, read the Mother fucking rules! will you? and last time i checked, spamming is against the rules, and minetown in a mature server, i could care less if your 25, my little sister is more mature than you!
ty reggief
hunter9340 wrote:
again, if i must say BAN HIS ASS, WHO CARES IF HE'S A $2000 DONATER?! he just uses his donations as a way of getting unbanned, what if i did this? i would be banned on the spot PERMANENTLY, and rabbi, read the MUTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN RULES!!! will you? and last time i checked, spamming is against the rules, and minetown in a mature server, i could care less if your 25, my little sister is more mature than you!

Please be rational and don't use caps in your posts. You are just making a bad reputation for yourself.
Arvila wrote:
hunter9340 wrote:
again, if i must say BAN HIS ASS, WHO CARES IF HE'S A $2000 DONATER?! he just uses his donations as a way of getting unbanned, what if i did this? i would be banned on the spot PERMANENTLY, and rabbi, read the MUTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN RULES!!! will you? and last time i checked, spamming is against the rules, and minetown in a mature server, i could care less if your 25, my little sister is more mature than you!

Please be rational and don't use caps in your posts. You are just making a bad reputation for yourself.

Even worse then mine
Rabbi_Sababa wrote:


Rabbi i don'tknow you but im just saying, spamming is the act of repeating the same message over and over again flooding chat and pissing people off for no reason. From what it seems its like you haven't learned youre lesson people have been complaining about you for awhile.
I'm sorry, but I have to agree.

Rabbi does as he pleases with no thought of the consequences for his actions, and whenever he gets into trouble, he simply waves his checkbook around, and pays people to turn a blind eye towards him, so he can continue to do what he chooses to, no matter how much he harms others.

He basically is the source of corruption in Minetown.

This must stop, he should KNOW the rules by heart by now, he's been here more then long enough. I say, we kick him to the curb. He's had his chances, his game is done. If we remove him from the server, his bad influence on others will die with him,and those that are the troublemakers will correct their ways quickly enough. We shall see less trolling, attempted Greifing and Stealing, and PVP rages. Because without those like Rabbi that "Promote" such bad behavior, which cause such problems, nobody would be willing to risk themselves and get into trouble for it.

Thus, I request Rabbi be Banned, Permanently, from Minetown. We don't need his kind here. Troublemakers, are not, and never will be welcome in Minetown. Let him suffer the same fates Broly, DecoyGoose, Omega, Catman, and Draednar Did. For I feel, he is just as bad as them.

I rest my case.
HKX-4-7 wrote:
I'm sorry, but I have to agree.

Rabbi does as he pleases with no thought of the consequences for his actions, and whenever he gets into trouble, he simply waves his checkbook around, and pays people to turn a blind eye towards him, so he can continue to do what he chooses to, no matter how much he harms others.

He basically is the source of corruption in Minetown.

This must stop, he should KNOW the rules by heart by now, he's been here more then long enough. I say, we kick him to the curb. He's had his chances, his game is done. If we remove him from the server, his bad influence on others will die with him,and those that are the troublemakers will correct their ways quickly enough. We shall see less trolling, attempted Greifing and Stealing, and PVP rages. Because without those like Rabbi that "Promote" such bad behavior, which cause such problems, nobody would be willing to risk themselves and get into trouble for it.

Thus, I request Rabbi be Banned, Permanently, from Minetown. We don't need his kind here. Troublemakers, are not, and never will be welcome in Minetown. Let him suffer the same fates Broly, DecoyGoose, Omega, Catman, and Draednar Did. For I feel, he is just as bad as them.

I rest my case.


I Concur
HKX-4-7 wrote:
I'm sorry, but I have to agree.

Rabbi does as he pleases with no thought of the consequences for his actions, and whenever he gets into trouble, he simply waves his checkbook around, and pays people to turn a blind eye towards him, so he can continue to do what he chooses to, no matter how much he harms others.

He basically is the source of corruption in Minetown.

This must stop, he should KNOW the rules by heart by now, he's been here more then long enough. I say, we kick him to the curb. He's had his chances, his game is done. If we remove him from the server, his bad influence on others will die with him,and those that are the troublemakers will correct their ways quickly enough. We shall see less trolling, attempted Greifing and Stealing, and PVP rages. Because without those like Rabbi that "Promote" such bad behavior, which cause such problems, nobody would be willing to risk themselves and get into trouble for it.

Thus, I request Rabbi be Banned, Permanently, from Minetown. We don't need his kind here. Troublemakers, are not, and never will be welcome in Minetown. Let him suffer the same fates Broly, DecoyGoose, Omega, Catman, and Draednar Did. For I feel, he is just as bad as them.

I rest my case.

Now this is how you address an issue in a good format.

And no I'm not choosing any side on this argument.
pennepasta wrote:
HKX-4-7 wrote:
I'm sorry, but I have to agree.

Rabbi does as he pleases with no thought of the consequences for his actions, and whenever he gets into trouble, he simply waves his checkbook around, and pays people to turn a blind eye towards him, so he can continue to do what he chooses to, no matter how much he harms others.

He basically is the source of corruption in Minetown.

This must stop, he should KNOW the rules by heart by now, he's been here more then long enough. I say, we kick him to the curb. He's had his chances, his game is done. If we remove him from the server, his bad influence on others will die with him,and those that are the troublemakers will correct their ways quickly enough. We shall see less trolling, attempted Greifing and Stealing, and PVP rages. Because without those like Rabbi that "Promote" such bad behavior, which cause such problems, nobody would be willing to risk themselves and get into trouble for it.

Thus, I request Rabbi be Banned, Permanently, from Minetown. We don't need his kind here. Troublemakers, are not, and never will be welcome in Minetown. Let him suffer the same fates Broly, DecoyGoose, Omega, Catman, and Draednar Did. For I feel, he is just as bad as them.

I rest my case.


I Concur

i agree as well, and he's never been punished more then 24 hr ban from what i know, the players A.K.A us, take these matters seriously, all the other people whether it be mods, or admins, just give him a mute or TEMP ban, and if i must say again, if anyone ELSE did this exact same thing that rabbi has been doing, we would've been banned PERMANENTLY, no, he just waves around his checkbook like HKX said, he doesnt care for the server from what i see, he just cares to make the server crap with his antics

i rest my case
Rabbi should stay muted until the new server.

Problem solved

Locked x