Hello everyone, I’m Mr. Flip, and I am honored to welcome you to my F.A.Q./free sigs/server help thread! I’ve decided to give back to the amazing community of Minetown by creating this thread, and becoming a “community helper”. In this thread, you will find frequently asked questions about Minetown, a small tutorial for people who are new to Minetown, and also a free signature shop. Also, if you are new to Minetown and have a question, I will be answering any questions that are asked in this thread, so if you have a question, ask away! I can’t guarantee that I will be able to answer every question, but I will try my best! Also, if you have have any suggestions for the F.A.Q., let me know and I may add them. I hope this thread helps out the community of Minetown as much as possible! Thank you for reading,
Mr. Flip

Frequently asked questions:
• How do I become a member of Minetown?
To become a member, You must go to minetown.net/join and either donate $5 to skip the application process, allowing you to become a member right away, OR, fill out an application form and wait for it to be approved by a Minetown staff member.
• I was banned! What do I do?
When you are banned, You must make a ban appeal on the forums. Do not make a thread along the lines of “ I wush banned can haz nother chance my bro did it not me kthxbai” This will not fly with the staff, and chances are you will not be unbanned. To make a proper ban appeal, follow the guideline, which can be found here: http://minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/390722-ban-appeal-format
• Is there anywhere I can build as a guest?
Yes, guests are allowed to build in the guest world (GW). To get there, type /spawn, turn around, walk into the tree, and the portal is on the left. The guest world is so you can play while waiting for your application to be accepted. There are no rules in the GW (besides hacking/cheats) so don’t complain to an admin when someone destroys your base. The guest world is wiped every week, so don’t be surprised when you log in and see a new world.
• I see someone breaking the rules, what should I do?
If you see someone breaking the rules, call for a Minetown staff member. If there are none available at the time, take pictures of the rulebreaker and report him on the forums.
• I got accepted, but how do I get the game?
Believe it or not, there are some people who fill out an application form, get accepted, and don’t even own minecraft! Before applying to play on this server, you need the game! You can get it at Minecraft.net
• How can I visit all the towns and cities of Minetown?
Almost all of the major cities/towns of Minetown are at the warp building. To get there, type /warp warp . There are signs there that teleport you to the city when you right click on the signs.
• How can I get help from a Minetown staff member?
It’s easy! Just type /petition new and a staff member will help you when they are available. If it’s an emergency, like someone is destroying your house, and you need emediate assistance, you can call for help in global, but don’t spam or you may get auto-muted or kicked!

Hello, and welcome to the beginners tutorial! in this quick tutorial I will teach people who are new to Minetown how to get started.
“Hi there! You’re a newcomer, aren’t you? Let me show you the basics of how to settle down in the wonderful world of Minetown! You’ve been accepted as a member, and your adventure starts now! The first thing I advise you to do is type /kit wood. This will give you a set of wooden tools. Next, you must decide Whether you want to settle down In a town, or on your own, out in the wilderness.
To settle in a town, you first need to find what town would suit you best! To start exploring all the great towns, type /warp warp. This will take you to the warp lounge, where you can be teleported to many awesome cities and towns throughout Minetown! Start exploring all the towns, most towns have notice boards that tell you who to contact for a lot. Once you find the perfect town for you, contact the person in charge of lots, and hopefully there will be one for sale! Now, I’m sure your thinking to yourself “Is this guy forgetting I JUST joined this awesome server? I don’t have any money!” However, if you go to Minetown’s website and vote for the server, you can receive 6 diamonds a day! 6 diamonds should be more then enough to buy a decent sized lot! So you have your lot, now you just need to build a house! Some towns have public tree farms and mines, If the one you live in does, you can just go there for building materials. If not, try walking out into the wilderness to cut down trees and explore some caves. You now have your first Minetown home! Make sure you have a Minetown staff member put a protection on it! To request help from a Minetown staff member, type /petition new .
If you want to live out in the wilderness, here’s how! First, WALK! You need to just keep on walking, until you find unclaimed land. It helps if you teleport to a town and then walk from there instead of spawn town because everything surrounding spawn will be mostly taken up. Once you find a prime location, start collecting resources! You now have your first Minetown home! Make sure you have a Minetown staff member put a protection on it!
Now, you may have some resources left over from building that you want to sell. Selling items is pretty easy! You can either type /warp market to go directly to the Minetown market, or type /trade and a trade message will be sent out, telling people what you are selling or buying. An example of how to properly use this is “/trade selling 10 stacks of smoothstone, 2 gold bars a stack!”. Please do not use trade chat for non-trade things, such as “/trade LAWL I AM SUPER 1337MLGPRO AT PVP I PWN ALL THE NEWBS!!1ONE!” If someone takes you up on your offer, you can meet somewhere secure and trade. If you drop your loot and the other guy takes it and runs without paying, you can report him for stealing, but this almost never happens, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it.
Now, you may of heard people talking about “factions”. Factions are groups of people who work together. Most factions own cities and help each other build to become large empires. To join a faction, you can go to the Minetown forums and apply there.
This is the end of the tutorial, Thanks for reading, and I hope you have fun on your adventures in Minetown!
That’s right, I’ll be making free signatures for anyone and everyone! I’m not a pro but I can make some pretty neat sigs, here’s a couple I have made:

You can have me come in-game and take a picture of you, or a building, or it can be a picture you attach to a post, doesn’t matter!
To order a signature, just make a post with what you want on it, like your name or a quote or saying, and what colors you prefer. Also, have the picture you want attached, or if you want a picture taken in-game, say so.
Thanks for reading my Minetown help thread, any feedback on how I can improve this thread will be greatly apreciated. Also, I hope the staff / Sawine will decide to sticky this, It would be an honor and greatly apreciated <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Mr. Flip

Frequently asked questions:
• How do I become a member of Minetown?
To become a member, You must go to minetown.net/join and either donate $5 to skip the application process, allowing you to become a member right away, OR, fill out an application form and wait for it to be approved by a Minetown staff member.
• I was banned! What do I do?
When you are banned, You must make a ban appeal on the forums. Do not make a thread along the lines of “ I wush banned can haz nother chance my bro did it not me kthxbai” This will not fly with the staff, and chances are you will not be unbanned. To make a proper ban appeal, follow the guideline, which can be found here: http://minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/390722-ban-appeal-format
• Is there anywhere I can build as a guest?
Yes, guests are allowed to build in the guest world (GW). To get there, type /spawn, turn around, walk into the tree, and the portal is on the left. The guest world is so you can play while waiting for your application to be accepted. There are no rules in the GW (besides hacking/cheats) so don’t complain to an admin when someone destroys your base. The guest world is wiped every week, so don’t be surprised when you log in and see a new world.
• I see someone breaking the rules, what should I do?
If you see someone breaking the rules, call for a Minetown staff member. If there are none available at the time, take pictures of the rulebreaker and report him on the forums.
• I got accepted, but how do I get the game?
Believe it or not, there are some people who fill out an application form, get accepted, and don’t even own minecraft! Before applying to play on this server, you need the game! You can get it at Minecraft.net
• How can I visit all the towns and cities of Minetown?
Almost all of the major cities/towns of Minetown are at the warp building. To get there, type /warp warp . There are signs there that teleport you to the city when you right click on the signs.
• How can I get help from a Minetown staff member?
It’s easy! Just type /petition new and a staff member will help you when they are available. If it’s an emergency, like someone is destroying your house, and you need emediate assistance, you can call for help in global, but don’t spam or you may get auto-muted or kicked!

Hello, and welcome to the beginners tutorial! in this quick tutorial I will teach people who are new to Minetown how to get started.
“Hi there! You’re a newcomer, aren’t you? Let me show you the basics of how to settle down in the wonderful world of Minetown! You’ve been accepted as a member, and your adventure starts now! The first thing I advise you to do is type /kit wood. This will give you a set of wooden tools. Next, you must decide Whether you want to settle down In a town, or on your own, out in the wilderness.
To settle in a town, you first need to find what town would suit you best! To start exploring all the great towns, type /warp warp. This will take you to the warp lounge, where you can be teleported to many awesome cities and towns throughout Minetown! Start exploring all the towns, most towns have notice boards that tell you who to contact for a lot. Once you find the perfect town for you, contact the person in charge of lots, and hopefully there will be one for sale! Now, I’m sure your thinking to yourself “Is this guy forgetting I JUST joined this awesome server? I don’t have any money!” However, if you go to Minetown’s website and vote for the server, you can receive 6 diamonds a day! 6 diamonds should be more then enough to buy a decent sized lot! So you have your lot, now you just need to build a house! Some towns have public tree farms and mines, If the one you live in does, you can just go there for building materials. If not, try walking out into the wilderness to cut down trees and explore some caves. You now have your first Minetown home! Make sure you have a Minetown staff member put a protection on it! To request help from a Minetown staff member, type /petition new .
If you want to live out in the wilderness, here’s how! First, WALK! You need to just keep on walking, until you find unclaimed land. It helps if you teleport to a town and then walk from there instead of spawn town because everything surrounding spawn will be mostly taken up. Once you find a prime location, start collecting resources! You now have your first Minetown home! Make sure you have a Minetown staff member put a protection on it!
Now, you may have some resources left over from building that you want to sell. Selling items is pretty easy! You can either type /warp market to go directly to the Minetown market, or type /trade and a trade message will be sent out, telling people what you are selling or buying. An example of how to properly use this is “/trade selling 10 stacks of smoothstone, 2 gold bars a stack!”. Please do not use trade chat for non-trade things, such as “/trade LAWL I AM SUPER 1337MLGPRO AT PVP I PWN ALL THE NEWBS!!1ONE!” If someone takes you up on your offer, you can meet somewhere secure and trade. If you drop your loot and the other guy takes it and runs without paying, you can report him for stealing, but this almost never happens, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it.
Now, you may of heard people talking about “factions”. Factions are groups of people who work together. Most factions own cities and help each other build to become large empires. To join a faction, you can go to the Minetown forums and apply there.
This is the end of the tutorial, Thanks for reading, and I hope you have fun on your adventures in Minetown!
That’s right, I’ll be making free signatures for anyone and everyone! I’m not a pro but I can make some pretty neat sigs, here’s a couple I have made:

You can have me come in-game and take a picture of you, or a building, or it can be a picture you attach to a post, doesn’t matter!
To order a signature, just make a post with what you want on it, like your name or a quote or saying, and what colors you prefer. Also, have the picture you want attached, or if you want a picture taken in-game, say so.
Thanks for reading my Minetown help thread, any feedback on how I can improve this thread will be greatly apreciated. Also, I hope the staff / Sawine will decide to sticky this, It would be an honor and greatly apreciated <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>