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[Enjin Archive] Hello I am Gwyn07
Started by [E] Gwyn07


My name is Gwyn07. I play Minecraft on Minetown's server. I enjoy playing some other action games such as Planetside2 and Star Conflict. I love field hockey and music. I played for 6 years and had a spot to play in college. Unfortunately I became seriously ill and have had to postpone going to college and playing field hockey. Now I can barely walk,, spend most of my days infusing Intra-Venous (IV) antibiotics or IV vitamins and a lot of time in bed. The rest of the time I try to hop online and game with friends since I have lost my normal social butterfly lifestyle. I can barely take care of myself and do basic things like bathe without needing assistance from others. I am fighting Lyme Disease and co-infections from tick bite when I was a small child. I would like to share my story to spread awareness! May is Lyme Disease Awareness month. (For me it is everyday Lyme Awareness!) If I can prevent one person from experiencing the hell I have to deal with day in and day out I will be content.

Here is a link to my blog with my story. It is also a fundraiser, but no pressure to donate.... though every bit counts. I am trying to raise funds to get stem cell therapy to help me be able to walk normal again. Thanks for taking the time to read this post!!

Your text to link here...
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Please wear bright green!! I am currently battling Lyme Disease and Multiple Co-infections: Bartonella, Mycoplasma and Babesia. I am trying to spread awareness about the growing epidemic of Lyme Disease and other tick-borne infections. Please Share this information with your family and friends. Awareness and prevention is key to living a happy long life! I would not wish this disease on anyone!

Things to know:

-Most people never get a bulls eye rash. In fact about 20% of people get some sort of a rash.

-Lyme Disease effects the neurological system, the heart and organs, brain functioning, causes toxicity and food allergies, sensitivity to sounds, light and touch. There are hundreds of symptoms one can have. Each person responds differently to tick-borne infections. Typically those with weaker immune systems are hit harder than those with strong immune systems. Due to the vast number of symptoms many patients are misdiagnosed with other conditions. (See below on Misdiagnoses)

-You can get it from infected ticks that bite you. It takes less than 5 minutes for a tick to transfer it's infectious load into your blood stream.

-Also, Lyme and Co-Infections can pass through bodily fluids including during unprotected sex.

-A mother can pass Lyme and Co-Infections to her child/children in the womb.

-You can get Lyme Disease and co-infections from bites or scratches from an infected animal. You can even get the parsitic co-infections from eating undercooked infected meat, particularly game.

-Please do tick checks every time you come inside from being outdoors. Use sticky roller to roll your pants and try to take a shower within an 1 hour of coming inside.

-Use Permethrin on your clothes to prevent ticks crawling on you. DEET does nothing to ticks except slow them down, Permethrin KILLS ticks! Premiethrin not safe on bare skin or animals.

-The Infectious Diseases Society of America (ISDA) 2-4 weeks of antibiotics only works if you catch Lyme very early.

-Patients who continue to show symptoms or worsening symptoms need to be treated by a Lyme Literate Physician (LLMD). Good LLMDs are trained under International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS). LLMDs then use Dr. Burrascano's guidelines to treat "chronic Lyme" and persistent tick-borne infections. The Guidelines recommend treatment last longer than a month. Some patients require IV antibiotics in order to get into remission.

-The ISDA 2-4 week of "normal" antibiotics does not kill the cystic and bio-film form of the Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme) bacteria. Most people who have lingering symptoms were not treated long enough to eradicate the bacteria entirely. It takes a minimum of 2-3 months of antibiotics to hit the stragglers (cysts and bio-films) if Lyme is caught early and treated.-The Lyme bacteria: Borrelia burgdorferi is a spirochete. Imagine a corkscrew. It is able to drill into muscles, tissues, bone and nerves which is why it is not always present in blood which is why people get FALSE negatives, which makes the tests inaccurate.

-Lyme Disease has to be a clinical diagnosis since the current testing is unreliable! Usually made by a LLMD or other Lyme literate physician.

- Most patients are misdiagnosed several times before they find out is Lyme. Some misdiagnoses include: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia (Fibro), Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Alzheimer's just to name a few. I personally have been diagnosed with all the above except Alzheimers, despite my positive Lyme test!!

-Lyme Disease is a growing epidemic. Some predict it may out surpass AIDS in a few years with the ever increasing number of cases. Anyone can get Lyme Disease anywhere around the globe. Lyme does not discriminate against age, sex or race. Everyone can be effected whether they know a friend or family member who has or is battling Lyme Disease.

Lyme Links:

About Lyme: http://www.ilads.org/lyme/about-lyme.php

Treatment Guidelines: http://www.ilads.org/lyme/treatment-guideline.php

Top 10 Tips to Prevent Chronic Lyme Disease: http://www.ilads.org/lyme/lyme-tips.php

My Lyme Disease and Co-Infections Treatment blog and Fundraiser Page: www.gofundme.com/1fnr5k
Oh wow. Nice story I'm sorry to hear about that. Hi I'm HaiWyre I joined about 5-6 months ago and I really enjoy working with people and bonding. My wish comes to you that you get better I hope your fundraiser gets a lot of money I hope everything in your life goes awesome have a wonderful expirenece in life. As I said good luck to you and your fundraiser.
HaiWyre please stop necroing threads
