Copied and pasted from :
Let's clear this up, shall we?
Jeb has just stated 1.8 will most likely NOT RELEASE ON SEPT 8TH! - Source
Well darn! We're a sticky thread now! Within this thread you will find nearly all known information about 1.8 and its released content, as well as the smaller details about each that are known, or at least have solid evidence to back them up!
If I am missing any information, PLEASE post what, and I will add/fix it up right away <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Edit: i am in progress of fixing up the video thread, adding some images, including screenshots with information (microsoft paint ftw) pointing out all new textures of new items in 1.8 <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Please stay tuned!
Edit2: Added a quick guide on how to use mcedit to transfer structures to a new, 1.8 world when it comes time, for those desperate to play on a 1.8 world, but not wishing to lose work.
PLEASE NOTE: a mark with a '*' beside it is newly learned, and updated information I am updating as I get solid evidence.
Rumors and the Truth
Release Date(s):
* - ok... even more confirmation! September 8th is the goal Jeb is aiming at the for the 'PAX version', aka what you saw at PAX. aka, NO NPCS. NO SKILLS. NOTTA! Still waiting to clarify if villages will be in-or-out due to the 'placement' issue.
* - Further confirmed no set release date! (as of august 31st)
- NO confirmed Dated. Any date you hear outside of Twitter, the main minecraft news, or a sticky, is FALSE. Rumor. Lies. Deceit. Trickery. No. Your friends, friend of a friend is not at Pax, and was secretly told by Notch. No. 1.8 will be announced on Notch's blog, on his twitter, in stickies, and on the news when a release date is confirmed by Notch or his team!
- Yes, your old 404 seed, and such WILL NOT GENERATE THE SAME WORLD EVER AGAIN AFTER 1.8! No, there's no way to fix it. No, Notch is not making a program to do it. The new terrain will generate in a manner totally alien to the current seeds, so it would be impossible to mimic it as such terrain simply cannot exist in that shape again.
- Custom Seeds and the ability to enter them is not confirmed for 1.8, BUT I AM 100% CERTAIN THEY ARE STILL THERE! Likely under the 'more world options' button! So don't panic about not being able to enter custom seeds at all!
Adventure mode
1.8 is the adventure UPDATE, not mode. Adventure update seeks to add adventure-like additions to survival, which reward/encourage exploration and challenges.
The Adventure MODE is a possible addition in the future, which will turn minecraft into a kind of blocky-rpg, and will add in potions, classes, alchemy, dungeons, towns, limited-ability-to-break blocks, keys and traps, and such things exclusive to Adventure MODE.
My world is gonna be lost in 1.8!11!
Incorrect! With Notch's clarification, ALL features of 1.8 can exist, in newly generated chunks in old worlds. Understand though... the terrain changes may cause new chunks to generate in RADICALLY different ways then your current generated land. A flat plains beside new chunks may run into a 128 tall wall of stone from a mountain biome, making for a hideous sight. But everything from 1.8, should work in prior maps... for now.
Enderman and Diamonds
- These were a TEMPORARY item for PAX (the game event Notch and Jeb are at), since they do not know what Endermans are going to drop. DIAMONDS ARE A TEMPORARY FROM ENDERMANS!
General Additions
* - The fog toggle key has been removed, but the render distance options are still available. Source - Source 2
* - Chests are now an entity that can visibly open. It also appears as if they can face directions other than west, by default. Image
Texture Packs
* - Selecting a 'invalid' Texture Pack will no longer cause black screens, but revert to the default texture pack. Source
Mob drop changes
* - Mob Grinders may soon be obsolete (not in 1.<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object>, as mobs may soon be changed to only drop items when killed by a player entity - Lava, Water, Cacti, etc, will NOT drop any experience, nor items if this change happens!
* - SMP will now keep a list of servers you have joined, if they are connectable, how many players are on it, and what your ping is to them! Source
- SMP Vanilla mode now has a Player List of online players! Likely similar to many plugins, announcing who is on at login. - Source
- All mobs killed by hand, drop experience orbs. These are orbs that switch between red, yellow, and blue and are quite small. You collect this until you level, and gain a skill point.
* - Skill points have NO use yet - though Notch is debating on adding six or seven 'skills' you can place points into. What these do is unknown, not even a hint from Notch yet.
* - Unconfirmed, but there is strong reason to believe experience orbs will decay after 3 minutes if not picked up (vanish).
* - Confirmed - Experience orbs WILL move towards you if you are close enough. Distance in which they will do this, unknown at this moment. Presumably 4-8 blocks away.
New and modified Sounds
From C418's Twitter, shortly deleted after posted:
- Less annoying rain.
- New water splashing sound.
- New swimming sounds.
- Moving minecart sound.
- New, "more horrifying", skeleton sound.
- Skeleton walking sounds.
- Unique sound for big slimes.
- Spider walking sound.
- Zombie walking sound.
- Chicken walking sound.
- Cow walking sounds.
- Wolf walking sound.
- Sheep walking sound.
- Pig walking sound.
- Shearing sheep sound.
- New grass walk sound.
- New gravel walk sound.
- New sand walk sound.
- New stone walk sound.
- Ladder climbing sound.
* taken from the old discovery thread, thank you for this info!
Game Settings
- Field of View slider which lets you see more around you. Slider goes from 'Regular' to 'Quake Pro'.
- A Brightness slider to adjust the brightness in game. Allows those with darker monitors to see in darkness without messing with their monitor's brightness settings. These setting extremes are 'Moody' at the lowest end or 'Bright' at the highest
- There is a 'More World Options' when creating a world that likely includes the ability to change the seed and toggle hunger and NPC villages. (Unconfirmed)
F3 additional info
* - when pressing f3, you now get the seed number of the world you're on, and other information that is too blurry to make out atm, due to poor quality of movies.
Creative mode
* - You can switch from Creative to Survival mode and back in your own SMP server, but not in your SSP games, unless you alter the game files. - Source, at 2:08 to 2:30.
* - Hunger bar in Creative mode will be infinite. Source
- Creative mode is confirmed in 1.8.
- For single player, when logging into a world you will select the mode, Survival or Creative.
- One world can be used for both modes, by simply logging out, changing mode, then back into the same world.
- SMP can change creative with a similar simple command.
- OP's on SMP can get creative mode specifically ONLY for themselves, while the world acts/looks identical to the players.
* - all items are spawnable in creative mode, on both SMP and SP.
- All blocks break in one hit in creative, no matter with a tool or barehand.
- Flying can be enabled on SMP, and is also available for use in single player creative mode.
* - You fly by double-tapping jump in single player. SMP is still unconfirmed, but likely the same.
- The light Engine has received a complete, total overhaul in 1.8. Not only is it now MUCH more efficient meaning far, far less lag from light, it looks much better giving off a gradual fuzzy glow' that tapers off in distance, rather then block-by-block.
* - Night time lighting is MUCH easier on the eyes, and prettier.
* - Lighting now does not need to 'update' each time a block changes, making for transitions from night, to day, day to night smooth and instant, no stuttering or jumping.
- (UNCONFIRMED-SPECULATIVE) Torches can be held in your active slot, and will provide mobile light! However, you cannot wield a weapon or other block while using this, sadly. Proven FALSE.
- Lanterns are NOT being added in 1.8. Torches are staying permanent as of this moment.
* - You cannot starve on peaceful difficulty, but the hunger bar is retained. Source.
* - The hunger bar is NOT optional. - Source, at 1:50 to 1:55.
* - When idle (not moving, digging, etc) your Hunger bar DOES NOT deplete. Source
* - Confirmed to be toggable. Whether based on difficulty, or a option, is not known yet.
- in 1.8 there will be a hunger bar which, you guessed it, means you'll starve to death if you don't eat!
- Hunger bar appears where you armor bar should be, and appears to be a type of 'mutton' icon, which gradually degrades over time, going from a juicy pink, to a faded grey (or an empty bone, I couldn't see clear enough).
- If your hunger is at 8 or higher, you will regenerate health passively.
- If you go below 1 food, you will begin to gradually LOSE hearts until death, or you consume food and refill your bar.
- Sprinting will cause you to consume food at a MUCH higher rate than normal.
- Food will vary on how much 'hunger' it restores. Presumably chickens will provide a small amount, while Beef from Cows will provide a very large amount.
Eating food:
- Eating now takes 1.6 seconds and immobilizes you.
-Eating has a sound effect, of 'nom nom nom!' was Notch. Damn it Notch, time to do some food-munching noise effects!
- Eating has an animation (look at pictures/movie section below, will provide one when available)
- Many new types of food available - see 'farming Additions' section.
New Launcher
* - New background is displayed at login, portraying a world slowly revolving.
* - Rumors (no confirmation) are that this world, will be a 'screenshot' of where you just logged off in your world, while on singleplayer. Unconfirmed if this would work on SMP as well.
New mobs and information
* - Rotten Meat confirmed to restore food, but poison you!
- Not a new mob, but they do not drop Feathers anymore, instead dropping rotten meat. Use of it is atm, unknown. Unlikely to be edible (you're going to eat a ZOMBIES meat?! x.x)
- One note, eating rotten meat (zombie meat) will cause your health bar to turn green, and begin to rapidly lose hunger, presumably from getting ill. This is likely not its final use.
- Zero images of bosses, or hints from Notch about them at PAX so far.
- Can confirm Silverfish are NOT a boss mob, as detailed below.
- Boss mobs likely to spawn in the Abandoned Mines, and Strongholds when added.
* - The Enderman texture has been made available to the public. Image
- THEY DO NOT DROP DIAMONDS. It was a place holder for PAX. What they will drop is unknown at this moment.
- They are 3 blocks tall.
- They have a 2-block long melee radius (zombies, etc, have 1-block reach).
- they teleport behind you even at close range.
- They are PASSIVE until you move your cursor (the little + symbol on your screen) over them. Doing so will make them freeze, and stare at you. The moment you move your cursor off them, they will teleport beside you (or teleport multiple times if you are too far), and attack you.
- The distance at which an Enderman 'will see you staring at them' is unconfirmed, but seems to be at least 25 blocks away.
- Wearing a Pumpkin, and then staring at a Enderman seems to negate their ability to see you staring at them. Aka, wear a pumpkin, Enderman won't attack even if you look right at them.
* - quickly putting a pumpkin on your head after aggroing an Enderman, at this moment, is speculated to NOT drop aggression with the Enderman, and will continue to chase and assail you. (unconfirmed - but provided by reliable PAX volunteer information)
- Their teleport tends to teleport them 2-4 blocks behind you, and not on top of you presumably for balance.
- They hit for 2 1/2 hearts.
- Their eyes change from white, to green, under certain conditions. Perhaps when looked at, or are aggressive.
- Enderman Carry blocks, and create complex geometrical shapes and (unconfirmed) homes from these blocks. This feature is NOT in the Demo at PAX, but confirmed by Notch. These shapes presumably will have no purpose beyond looks.
- Water KILLS Enderman like lava, doing damage over time. It is confirmed to do 1 heart/second to them, killing them in 10 seconds in water.
- They spawn in all biomes (need further clarification), but have no information if they spawn inside dark caves.
- It is unknown if their teleportation abilities requires line of sight to their victim, and whether or not they can teleport past walls and obstacles to reach victims.
- A 2-tall space should be safe from Enderman, due to their 3-block height, making them unable to attack at this time.
* - Confirmed Silverfish will be as rare as they were at PAX! (And we saw none!) Source
- Silverfish (from what I could see on the blurred videos) are a gathering of small insect sprites acting as a single mob entity to attack players.
- Silverfish do not possess any special abilities/tricks, beyond their 'spawn' requirements.
- Silverfish spawn when a player breaks a block. What blocks specifically, are unknown, but presumably breaking stone has a rare chance to spawn this mob on the hapless Miner.
- They may spawn (rarely) in the wild.
- Their drops are currently unknown.
- their damage, health, movement speed/actions are unknown to us. But we can assume they are fairly standard mobs.
Blue Spiders
- Damage, Movement, and Health at this moment, seems to be identical to normal Spiders.
* - are confirmed SMALLER then Spiders, appearing to be 1x1x1, making them VERY dangerous as you cannot hide from them like normal mobs.
- They only appear in Abandoned Mineshafts, random locations in the world similar to Dungeons, Strongholds, and other random locations.
- They inflict Poison on victims bitten. Hearts turn yellow, and the victim begins to gradually lose health. How much poison does to ones health, is unknown atm.
- The Spider drops String, and does NOT drop a poison sac at this moment.
- Does NOT shoot, nor drop cobwebs at you, at this moment.
Combat Additions and Modifications
* - Poison might be cured by Milk! Love some cows, friends! Source
* - Blocking is CONFIRMED *points at newest video*. Diamond swords when right clicked, will parry attacks.
- it is unknown if you can 'parry' with any item, or only weapons.
- As of Saturday evening, there is NO information on Blocking at all.
- However, a good sign is Skeletons now have an animation of reaching out, grabbing their bow, pulling back and firing an arrow, which is the first steps to add blocking - giving mobs animations so we know WHEN to block.
Critical strikes
* - Arrows (and other objects) do NOT judge your damage/critical hit damage or chance based on where you. Hitting a mob in the head with an arrow, is the same as hitting it in the foot. Source
- this are simply meaning you hit a foe in a particularly vulnerable spot, and inflict 1.5-1.8x(clarification needed) damage on foes.
- It is unknown what affects your chance of Critically striking a foe.
- it is unknown if you can critically strike another player due to balance reasons.
- it is unknown if levels will increase your chance to critically strike, though presumably, it will.
- It is unknown if Mobs will be able to critically strike Players.
- Critical strikes are CONFIRMED to be done by jumping, and slashing a entity. 100% crit chance, if you just jump and hit an entity... I won't voice my opinion on how poorly designed this is.
* - Sprinting and jumping will make you leap 4 blocks forwards, instead of the normal 2. source
* - Sprinting is now limitless - but consumes food at 4x the normal rate of activity!
- Sprinting and jumping makes you jump further! Wee!
- Sprinting is the ability to run twice as fast compared to normal walking.
- You activate sprint by double-tapping W in succession and holding it down, and stop sprinting by letting go of W.
* - confirmed, sprinting inhibits your ability to turn by a great degree!
- Sprinting consumes your 'hunger bar' much faster than normal walking.
- Attacking a foe with a melee weapon/tool/barehand while Sprinting, will cause 2x the knockback being useful for getting some breathing room from Monsters, or even Players.
- It is unknown if at a certain hunger, you'll be unable to sprint any longer.
- Bows were arguably entirely overhauled in 1.8.
- Bows now shooting only a few feet if you 'machine gun' click them, and seem to do only a tiny amount of damage.
- Instead, you must now hold your left-mouse button to 'charge' arrows. Charging arrows makes arrows fly further you charge, do MORE damage the longer you charge it, and fly straighter, for longer, the longer you charge it.
- The Max damage, and Range obtainable from charging an arrow is unknown at this moment, but at least 50 blocks, due to a new achievement.
- Charging an Arrow for only a brief moment gives it a good 5-15 block straight-flight, making it over-all superior to the older model as it now takes aim, and not mad spamming to defeat foes, while offering powerful 'first strike' opportunities against visible foes you are not engaged with. Charge that arrow for 45 seconds and stick it right between the eyes of your best friend! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
* - there is 3 charge levels for the bow at the moment. taking about 0.4-0.5 seconds each to charge up. It 3-shots standard mobs, so does over 3 damage at lvl 3, not not certain how much total.
- Arrows when charged, will stick into mobs and players, and be visible. It is unknown if others can see these arrows, or just the shooter.
- Bows have had a graphical overhaul, for both Players and Skeletons.
* - Bows also have a 'zoom in' effect that gradually increases the longer you charge.
Crafting Information, Additions, and changes
- It is now available in 'panes' which are 1/5th the size of a normal block, and position itself into the center of the block it is placed in creating very pretty windows. These panes also 'bend' at the corners forming amazing architectural and aesthetics possibilities.
* - it also confirmed Glass panes (no clarification on glass BLOCKS), can be broken and picked up again for reuse.
- it is almost confirmed, the old 'block' glass will still be available.
- By placing a wooden pressure plate on top of a fence post, you can now create tables...! Sort of. They have no purpose, and can not have things placed on them, but are a crude furniture made possible by a change from Jeb after requests asked for it.
Iron bars
- These are similar to fences and block movement passed them.
- Unknown if they have other effects.
- Unknown if craftable.
Dungeon Bricks
* - confirmed to be craftable called 'Stone Bricks' officially - Source
- There has been screen shots of three new 'brick' like materials. One is cracked, one is moss-covered, one is solid. The Bricks can be seen here(add link).
- As you see, they are a part of strongholds/new dungeons (still debated), and offer a new aesthetic flavor.
- Their damage resistance, purpose beyond looks, and such is unconfirmed entirely at this moment. All speculation on how they will be acquired/made.
Brick Stairs - Red and Grey
- Confirmed by creative-item-list image from Pax, there are red-brick Stairs, and grey brick (the new brick) stairs as well. This is confirmed by the Stronghold images as well, if you look at the top left you'll see stairs. (gotta link!)
Additional, unknown Recipes :
- It is confirmed nine new recipes are being added. The likely candidates are below:
1. Glass Panes.
2. Brick Stairs.
3. Grey Brick Stairs.
4. Brick Half-steps.
5. Grey brick Half-steps.
6. Watermelon slices?
7. Iron fences?
8. Fence Gates
9. ?
Food, Farming, and Husbandry
Farming in itself is being changed massively in 1.8. It will not only gain new additions, and change the way Animals spawn/are handled, but will become extremely important to players as they will need such farming facilities to create enough food to simply not starve to death.
- Melons appear to be 'whitish-yellow' while growing, and dark green when matured (watermelons).
- Melons and Pumpkins both can now be grown from new vines, which will spread along the ground to a max size, then place a varying amount of pumpkins and Melons around it which then begin to grow.
- Melons heal an unknown amount of health, and Hunger at this moment, but it is confirmed watermelons can be 'sliced' into pieces to edible pieces.
*- Confirmed, Melon seeds do exist and drop. Unknown if they serve any purpose beyond farming more watermelon vines.
- No new cooking recipes for Pumpkins, but they are very useful for preventing 'Endermen anger', as wearing a Pumpkin (not a jack o lantern, a lit pumpkin) on your head will negate their aggressive when stared at.
- Pumpkins now also grow alongside Melons on vines. It is unknown what % Melons and Pumpkins are created from a vine, so we will assume 50-50 even for now.
- Unconfirmed pumpkin seeds being dropped, possible food item.
* - newly confirmed, Pumpkin seeds do exist and drop. Unconfirmed if they are used beyond farming pumpkins however.
- Animals have been dramatically altered (or will be) in 1.8. They are no longer spawning in 'herds', being MUCH rarer now.
- Once a certain condition is met (not known what yet), animals will no longer despawn. Presumably a collar, to control the animals movements, as well as prevent spawn.
- Animals will be able to breed, creating a new animal, which is vital to slaughter animals and acquire food.
- There will be no genders to animals.
- There will not be baby animals yet... it may, or may not happen, Notch and Jeb are conflicted on how to do it.
- Cows now drop uncooked(raw) beef, alongside Leather.
- Raw beef can be cooked, and consumed.
- Raw Beef stacks. Cooked beef doesnot.
- Chickens now drop raw Chickens, as well as their usual drop of Feathers on death.
- Raw Chicken can be cooked.
- Raw Chicken stacks. Cooked Chicken doesnot.
* - Eating Raw Chicken gives you a disease! Source
* - Now have a new model! They... have snouts!! The world is over, repent! REPENTTTT! - Source
- Drops raw Porkchops like before, which stacks now.
- When cooked, it creates a new looking porkchop icon, but this new cooked porkchop also stacks.
- Remain unmodified to my knowledge.
Terrain and Biome changes and additions
Terrain generation received the arguably largest update in 1.8, with an ungodly addition of changes, new content, and improvements.
* - Swamps will probably be in Beta 1.8 source
* - Notch already has a prototype of the swamp biomes. Source
* - The biome generation will NOT be finished in 1.8, and will be further 'added to' in 1.9. -Source, at 1:44 to 1:54.
- three new biome types: Mountains, Ocean, and Giant Mushroom Forests.
- Rivers have been added. They have no current, no waterfalls, and are all at 64 height. They divide apart biomes, and appear to be around 5-12 blocks wide and unknown depth.
- ALL biomes have been enlarged by a great deal. No more will you stand at the edge of a mighty Desert... and see the end of it on the horizon. It is unknown exactly how large Biomes have become, but many reports state they are 'much larger' so they should make folk happy.
- Biome 'cross over' to other Biomes should be... smoother. You shouldn't find grass mixed in desert, or chunks of desert 20+ blocks from the edge of a desert biome, in blobs.
- Mountain Biome's will be well, extremely mountainous. Likely having long ridges of mountains, with valleys in between them. Finding 'smooth' ground will likely be very difficult.
- Ocean Biome's will be the Biome between 'continents'. They should be MUCH larger now, and much deeper (no count on depth, but I'd assume 20 deep at some deeper points, maybe more). Though, nothing else of note has been done for them, sadly.
- Giant Mushroom Biome. We know next to nothing about this, and have no known photos of a Giant Mushroom Biome yet. We do not know if anything special spawns here or is found here, we do not know if the mushrooms can be collected as building blocks. Sadly, we're kept in the dark right now. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
* - Giant Mushroom's to be made 'more epic in the future! Source
Abandoned Mineshafts
- Abandoned Mineshafts, literal ancient, abandoned mines littered with minecart tracks, wooden pillars, cobwebs, minecarts, and horrors beyond your imagination...
- What little we know of Abandoned mines, is they are a randomly generated element similar to Dungeons. How large, how tall, how deep, are all a mystery, though we can assume they'll be quite large in size/height.
-A special 'blue spider' variant of Spiders spawns in this location only, and has the ability to POISON you if it hits you, which drains hearts gradually. it currently drops string, and offers no reward difference.
- It is unknown if you will find treasure chests, seperate rooms, traps, or such things within.
* - Can only Spawn 500 blocks from 0,0 (so 501 Y and X cords) or beyond, likely for balance to stop newbies getting massacred inside.
- Strongholds can be described as 'souped up' dungeons from what we've seen of them. They are crumbling, underground ruins with doors, and new blocks never seen before (iron reeds) and appear to have multiple floors with stairwells leading to different areas. (need to link image!)
- Above ground their entrance appears to be 'ruins' made of the new grey-brick, made of cracked, normal, and mossy cobbled variations, which seem to lead into the Stronghold below.
- There are iron bars seen in the screen of Strongholds, but no clarification/better image of what they are, or what they truly look like. Possibly new types of fences, or doors.
- We can assume boss mob(s) will spawn inside here and the Mine shafts when they are finally added.
- Over-all the Strongholds will provide exciting, new places to explore and hopefully wonderful treasures and the thrill of adventure as well!
- Ravines are well, Ravines. They are 'tears' in the land, that open up between 5-20 wide, and go down to great depths in the land.
- Beyond looking neat, and maybe being fun to build a home inside of suspended between the chasm, there is no known perks/benefits/items/etc to these.
Images of 1.8 content!
New image of pigs - with a snout!
New image of ivy in action! This looks really neat! Damn Terraria rip off though... <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
Poor, yet viable screenshot for Giant Mushroom Forests! Also if you look at the 'tiny mushrooms' all over, it agrees to my speculation of mushroom blocks breaking into small mushrooms.

New Picture! Shows some of the new items, and points them out out (I rock with microsoft paint! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>). To clarify, that block in the top looks like bedrock, yet all the other blocks around it are ore-blocks over their ore... except that one.

Gonna be lazy and Borrow from the Wiki first ,then hunt down stand alone images that aren't there after!
Underground Ravines - marvels of natural beauty in 1.8 <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

A ravine going through a stronghold cutting it in two - Notice the odd 'vines (iron vines' top right, stairs top left, dead skeleton beside the zombie, doors, and other little... doodas).
It can be confirmed here strongholds ARE made of the new mystery brick block.

A picture of older 'NPC villages, Giant mushrooms which look like crap I hope they are improved, and in the bottom right, a surface ravine that has bugged out the sand!

The first released Image of 'the Endermans...'

An example of a Mountain Biome, River, and a Giant Mushroom randomly out of place... lol

Evidence showing Enderman don't attack with a pumpkin on, also showing 'Arrow sticking'(Woot!), and some basic NPC villages (though they look MUCH more advanced in the demo at PAX).

And that's it for pics for now! Sorry, gotta hunt more down. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
Movies of 1.8 from PAX
New Video showing roof-stalking Enderman, ocean-born cities, and tons of other neat stuff! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
New footage of Abandoned Mineshafts and the 'Blue Spider'! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
A very CRYSTAL clear, in depth, very detailed examination of the 1.8 Demo and its content! It's so yummyyyy, I'm scanning over it for new information too <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Older video of 1.8 at PAX, quite blurry, but still interesting for a new POV.
Below is a new Video on Macbook playability of Minecraft, and maybe some hints for 1.8, gotta peek. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
And I'll just put this here for now, and go look around for more common spam-questions, and update this! Please bump and add your own 'FAQ' points for addition! I know there is a sticky, but it's rather... inactive. And this isn't a discussion of up coming content, but common questions asked. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Tips and tricks for 1.8
Moving structures from a 1.7 world, to a 1.8 world
Note: Mcedit will need to be updated to 1.8, so it may take a few days (even weeks) until it updates after 1.8 releases! I'll update here when it is up to date as well.
1. First, we need to acquire Mcedit
2. Launch it, update it, blah blah.
3. Find your world (check what your world name is.
4. Now stop! Click options, and look at the controls for movement to not get confused. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
5. open your world (maybe back it up in case)
6. fly up reallyyyy high over your city.
7. Click a point. Select another point opposite of it (like a square).
8. Use the new 'nudge' menu that appeared to modify the 'selection' up, down, left, or right, until the 'box' completely covers all parts of your city above and below ground (make sure of this!!)
9. when satisified, click 'export'. Name it. click ok. Bam. you have a copy of your city.
10. close Mcedit, launch minecraft, create a new world (when in 1.<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object>.
11. Run around (use f3 to see your cords), try to run around in all directions at least 500 blocks out, to generate the land. Save world. close it.
12. Open new world, hover over new land, look at it, judge if you have enough land to be comfortable with placing your city in (mcedit cannot generate terrain). If it's too small, or you don't see a spot you like, repeat step 10 and 11. Install a 'speed/fly' hack to speed up exploration for this if you feel.
13. when you find a good spot, click 'import', select your file, and then click somewhere. A transparent 'version' of your city will appear.
14. Use nudge to adjust it so your 'land' is at well, at the proper height. You dont want your city's edges to be 5-6 higher then the land around it if possible.
15. Ensure everything looks nice and tidy, click 'import' below the Nudge menu.
16. Wait for lag and watch your city generate in it's new home! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
Hope this helps you, and others out there. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
SabbyKat wrote:
Let's clear this up, shall we?
Jeb has just stated 1.8 will most likely NOT RELEASE ON SEPT 8TH! - Source
Well darn! We're a sticky thread now! Within this thread you will find nearly all known information about 1.8 and its released content, as well as the smaller details about each that are known, or at least have solid evidence to back them up!
If I am missing any information, PLEASE post what, and I will add/fix it up right away <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Edit: i am in progress of fixing up the video thread, adding some images, including screenshots with information (microsoft paint ftw) pointing out all new textures of new items in 1.8 <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Please stay tuned!
Edit2: Added a quick guide on how to use mcedit to transfer structures to a new, 1.8 world when it comes time, for those desperate to play on a 1.8 world, but not wishing to lose work.
PLEASE NOTE: a mark with a '*' beside it is newly learned, and updated information I am updating as I get solid evidence.
Release Date(s):
* - ok... even more confirmation! September 8th is the goal Jeb is aiming at the for the 'PAX version', aka what you saw at PAX. aka, NO NPCS. NO SKILLS. NOTTA! Still waiting to clarify if villages will be in-or-out due to the 'placement' issue.
* - Further confirmed no set release date! (as of august 31st)
- NO confirmed Dated. Any date you hear outside of Twitter, the main minecraft news, or a sticky, is FALSE. Rumor. Lies. Deceit. Trickery. No. Your friends, friend of a friend is not at Pax, and was secretly told by Notch. No. 1.8 will be announced on Notch's blog, on his twitter, in stickies, and on the news when a release date is confirmed by Notch or his team!
- Yes, your old 404 seed, and such WILL NOT GENERATE THE SAME WORLD EVER AGAIN AFTER 1.8! No, there's no way to fix it. No, Notch is not making a program to do it. The new terrain will generate in a manner totally alien to the current seeds, so it would be impossible to mimic it as such terrain simply cannot exist in that shape again.
- Custom Seeds and the ability to enter them is not confirmed for 1.8, BUT I AM 100% CERTAIN THEY ARE STILL THERE! Likely under the 'more world options' button! So don't panic about not being able to enter custom seeds at all!
Adventure mode
1.8 is the adventure UPDATE, not mode. Adventure update seeks to add adventure-like additions to survival, which reward/encourage exploration and challenges.
The Adventure MODE is a possible addition in the future, which will turn minecraft into a kind of blocky-rpg, and will add in potions, classes, alchemy, dungeons, towns, limited-ability-to-break blocks, keys and traps, and such things exclusive to Adventure MODE.
My world is gonna be lost in 1.8!11!
Incorrect! With Notch's clarification, ALL features of 1.8 can exist, in newly generated chunks in old worlds. Understand though... the terrain changes may cause new chunks to generate in RADICALLY different ways then your current generated land. A flat plains beside new chunks may run into a 128 tall wall of stone from a mountain biome, making for a hideous sight. But everything from 1.8, should work in prior maps... for now.
Enderman and Diamonds
- These were a TEMPORARY item for PAX (the game event Notch and Jeb are at), since they do not know what Endermans are going to drop. DIAMONDS ARE A TEMPORARY FROM ENDERMANS!
* - The fog toggle key has been removed, but the render distance options are still available. Source - Source 2
* - Chests are now an entity that can visibly open. It also appears as if they can face directions other than west, by default. Image
Texture Packs
* - Selecting a 'invalid' Texture Pack will no longer cause black screens, but revert to the default texture pack. Source
Mob drop changes
* - Mob Grinders may soon be obsolete (not in 1.<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object>, as mobs may soon be changed to only drop items when killed by a player entity - Lava, Water, Cacti, etc, will NOT drop any experience, nor items if this change happens!
* - SMP will now keep a list of servers you have joined, if they are connectable, how many players are on it, and what your ping is to them! Source
- SMP Vanilla mode now has a Player List of online players! Likely similar to many plugins, announcing who is on at login. - Source
- All mobs killed by hand, drop experience orbs. These are orbs that switch between red, yellow, and blue and are quite small. You collect this until you level, and gain a skill point.
* - Skill points have NO use yet - though Notch is debating on adding six or seven 'skills' you can place points into. What these do is unknown, not even a hint from Notch yet.
* - Unconfirmed, but there is strong reason to believe experience orbs will decay after 3 minutes if not picked up (vanish).
* - Confirmed - Experience orbs WILL move towards you if you are close enough. Distance in which they will do this, unknown at this moment. Presumably 4-8 blocks away.
New and modified Sounds
From C418's Twitter, shortly deleted after posted:
- Less annoying rain.
- New water splashing sound.
- New swimming sounds.
- Moving minecart sound.
- New, "more horrifying", skeleton sound.
- Skeleton walking sounds.
- Unique sound for big slimes.
- Spider walking sound.
- Zombie walking sound.
- Chicken walking sound.
- Cow walking sounds.
- Wolf walking sound.
- Sheep walking sound.
- Pig walking sound.
- Shearing sheep sound.
- New grass walk sound.
- New gravel walk sound.
- New sand walk sound.
- New stone walk sound.
- Ladder climbing sound.
* taken from the old discovery thread, thank you for this info!
Game Settings
- Field of View slider which lets you see more around you. Slider goes from 'Regular' to 'Quake Pro'.
- A Brightness slider to adjust the brightness in game. Allows those with darker monitors to see in darkness without messing with their monitor's brightness settings. These setting extremes are 'Moody' at the lowest end or 'Bright' at the highest
- There is a 'More World Options' when creating a world that likely includes the ability to change the seed and toggle hunger and NPC villages. (Unconfirmed)
F3 additional info
* - when pressing f3, you now get the seed number of the world you're on, and other information that is too blurry to make out atm, due to poor quality of movies.
Creative mode
* - You can switch from Creative to Survival mode and back in your own SMP server, but not in your SSP games, unless you alter the game files. - Source, at 2:08 to 2:30.
* - Hunger bar in Creative mode will be infinite. Source
- Creative mode is confirmed in 1.8.
- For single player, when logging into a world you will select the mode, Survival or Creative.
- One world can be used for both modes, by simply logging out, changing mode, then back into the same world
- SMP can change creative with a similar simple command.
- OP's on SMP can get creative mode specifically ONLY for themselves, while the world acts/looks identical to the players.
* - all items are spawnable in creative mode, on both SMP and SP.
- All blocks break in one hit in creative, no matter with a tool or barehand.
- Flying can be enabled on SMP, and is also available for use in single player creative mode.
* - You fly by double-tapping jump in single player. SMP is still unconfirmed, but likely the same.
- The light Engine has received a complete, total overhaul in 1.8. Not only is it now MUCH more efficient meaning far, far less lag from light, it looks much better giving off a gradual fuzzy glow' that tapers off in distance, rather then block-by-block.
* - Night time lighting is MUCH easier on the eyes, and prettier.
* - Lighting now does not need to 'update' each time a block changes, making for transitions from night, to day, day to night smooth and instant, no stuttering or jumping.
- Lanterns are NOT being added in 1.8. Torches are staying permanent as of this moment.
* - You cannot starve on peaceful difficulty, but the hunger bar is retained. Source.
* - The hunger bar is NOT optional. - Source, at 1:50 to 1:55.
* - When idle (not moving, digging, etc) your Hunger bar DOES NOT deplete. Source
* - Confirmed to be toggable. Whether based on difficulty, or a option, is not known yet.
- in 1.8 there will be a hunger bar which, you guessed it, means you'll starve to death if you don't eat!
- Hunger bar appears where you armor bar should be, and appears to be a type of 'mutton' icon, which gradually degrades over time, going from a juicy pink, to a faded grey (or an empty bone, I couldn't see clear enough).
- If your hunger is at 8 or higher, you will regenerate health passively.
- If you go below 1 food, you will begin to gradually LOSE hearts until death, or you consume food and refill your bar.
- Sprinting will cause you to consume food at a MUCH higher rate than normal.
- Food will vary on how much 'hunger' it restores. Presumably chickens will provide a small amount, while Beef from Cows will provide a very large amount.
Eating food:
- Eating now takes 1.6 seconds and immobilizes you.
- Eating has an animation (look at pictures/movie section below, will provide one when available)
- Many new types of food available - see 'farming Additions' section.
New Launcher
* - New background is displayed at login, portraying a world slowly revolving.
* - Rumors (no confirmation) are that this world, will be a 'screenshot' of where you just logged off in your world, while on singleplayer. Unconfirmed if this would work on SMP as well.
* - Rotten Meat confirmed to restore food, but poison you!
- Not a new mob, but they do not drop Feathers anymore, instead dropping rotten meat. Use of it is atm, unknown. Unlikely to be edible (you're going to eat a ZOMBIES meat?! x.x)
- One note, eating rotten meat (zombie meat) will cause your health bar to turn green, and begin to rapidly lose hunger, presumably from getting ill. This is likely not its final use.
- Zero images of bosses, or hints from Notch about them at PAX so far.
- Can confirm Silverfish are NOT a boss mob, as detailed below.
- Boss mobs likely to spawn in the Abandoned Mines, and Strongholds when added.
* - The Enderman texture has been made available to the public. Image
- THEY DO NOT DROP DIAMONDS. It was a place holder for PAX. What they will drop is unknown at this moment.
- They are 3 blocks tall.
- They have a 2-block long melee radius (zombies, etc, have 1-block reach).
- they teleport behind you even at close range.
- They are PASSIVE until you move your cursor (the little + symbol on your screen) over them. Doing so will make them freeze, and stare at you. The moment you move your cursor off them, they will teleport beside you (or teleport multiple times if you are too far), and attack you.
- The distance at which an Enderman 'will see you staring at them' is unconfirmed, but seems to be at least 25 blocks away.
- Wearing a Pumpkin, and then staring at a Enderman seems to negate their ability to see you staring at them. Aka, wear a pumpkin, Enderman won't attack even if you look right at them.
* - quickly putting a pumpkin on your head after aggroing an Enderman, at this moment, is speculated to NOT drop aggression with the Enderman, and will continue to chase and assail you. (unconfirmed - but provided by reliable PAX volunteer information)
- Their teleport tends to teleport them 2-4 blocks behind you, and not on top of you presumably for balance.
- They hit for 2 1/2 hearts.
- Their eyes change from white, to green, under certain conditions. Perhaps when looked at, or are aggressive.
- Enderman Carry blocks, and create complex geometrical shapes and (unconfirmed) homes from these blocks. This feature is NOT in the Demo at PAX, but confirmed by Notch. These shapes presumably will have no purpose beyond looks.
- Water KILLS Enderman like lava, doing damage over time. It is confirmed to do 1 heart/second to them, killing them in 10 seconds in water.
- They spawn in all biomes (need further clarification), but have no information if they spawn inside dark caves.
- It is unknown if their teleportation abilities requires line of sight to their victim, and whether or not they can teleport past walls and obstacles to reach victims.
- A 2-tall space should be safe from Enderman, due to their 3-block height, making them unable to attack at this time.
* - Confirmed Silverfish will be as rare as they were at PAX! (And we saw none!) Source
- Silverfish (from what I could see on the blurred videos) are a gathering of small insect sprites acting as a single mob entity to attack players.
- Silverfish do not possess any special abilities/tricks, beyond their 'spawn' requirements.
- Silverfish spawn when a player breaks a block. What blocks specifically, are unknown, but presumably breaking stone has a rare chance to spawn this mob on the hapless Miner.
- They may spawn (rarely) in the wild.
- Their drops are currently unknown.
- their damage, health, movement speed/actions are unknown to us. But we can assume they are fairly standard mobs.
Blue Spiders
- Damage, Movement, and Health at this moment, seems to be identical to normal Spiders.
* - are confirmed SMALLER then Spiders, appearing to be 1x1x1, making them VERY dangerous as you cannot hide from them like normal mobs.
- They only appear in Abandoned Mineshafts, random locations in the world similar to Dungeons, Strongholds, and other random locations.
- They inflict Poison on victims bitten. Hearts turn yellow, and the victim begins to gradually lose health. How much poison does to ones health, is unknown atm.
- The Spider drops String, and does NOT drop a poison sac at this moment.
- Does NOT shoot, nor drop cobwebs at you, at this moment.
* - Poison might be cured by Milk! Love some cows, friends! Source
* - Blocking is CONFIRMED *points at newest video*. Diamond swords when right clicked, will parry attacks.
- it is unknown if you can 'parry' with any item, or only weapons.
- However, a good sign is Skeletons now have an animation of reaching out, grabbing their bow, pulling back and firing an arrow, which is the first steps to add blocking - giving mobs animations so we know WHEN to block.
Critical strikes
* - Arrows (and other objects) do NOT judge your damage/critical hit damage or chance based on where you. Hitting a mob in the head with an arrow, is the same as hitting it in the foot. Source
- this are simply meaning you hit a foe in a particularly vulnerable spot, and inflict 1.5-1.8x(clarification needed) damage on foes.
- It is unknown what affects your chance of Critically striking a foe.
- it is unknown if you can critically strike another player due to balance reasons.
- It is unknown if Mobs will be able to critically strike Players.
- Critical strikes are CONFIRMED to be done by jumping, and slashing a entity. 100% crit chance, if you just jump and hit an entity... I won't voice my opinion on how poorly designed this is.
* - Sprinting and jumping will make you leap 4 blocks forwards, instead of the normal 2. source
* - Sprinting is now limitless - but consumes food at 4x the normal rate of activity!
- Sprinting and jumping makes you jump further! Wee!
- Sprinting is the ability to run twice as fast compared to normal walking.
- You activate sprint by double-tapping W in succession and holding it down, and stop sprinting by letting go of W.
* - confirmed, sprinting inhibits your ability to turn by a great degree!
- Sprinting consumes your 'hunger bar' much faster than normal walking.
- Attacking a foe with a melee weapon/tool/barehand while Sprinting, will cause 2x the knockback being useful for getting some breathing room from Monsters, or even Players.
- It is unknown if at a certain hunger, you'll be unable to sprint any longer.
- Bows were arguably entirely overhauled in 1.8.
- Bows now shooting only a few feet if you 'machine gun' click them, and seem to do only a tiny amount of damage.
- Instead, you must now hold your left-mouse button to 'charge' arrows. Charging arrows makes arrows fly further you charge, do MORE damage the longer you charge it, and fly straighter, for longer, the longer you charge it.
- The Max damage, and Range obtainable from charging an arrow is unknown at this moment, but at least 50 blocks, due to a new achievement.
- Charging an Arrow for only a brief moment gives it a good 5-15 block straight-flight, making it over-all superior to the older model as it now takes aim, and not mad spamming to defeat foes, while offering powerful 'first strike' opportunities against visible foes you are not engaged with. Charge that arrow for 45 seconds and stick it right between the eyes of your best friend! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
* - there is 3 charge levels for the bow at the moment. taking about 0.4-0.5 seconds each to charge up. It 3-shots standard mobs, so does over 3 damage at lvl 3, not not certain how much total.
- Arrows when charged, will stick into mobs and players, and be visible. It is unknown if others can see these arrows, or just the shooter.
- Bows have had a graphical overhaul, for both Players and Skeletons.
* - Bows also have a 'zoom in' effect that gradually increases the longer you charge.
- It is now available in 'panes' which are 1/5th the size of a normal block, and position itself into the center of the block it is placed in creating very pretty windows. These panes also 'bend' at the corners forming amazing architectural and aesthetics possibilities.
* - it also confirmed Glass panes (no clarification on glass BLOCKS), can be broken and picked up again for reuse.
- it is almost confirmed, the old 'block' glass will still be available.
- By placing a wooden pressure plate on top of a fence post, you can now create tables...! Sort of. They have no purpose, and can not have things placed on them, but are a crude furniture made possible by a change from Jeb after requests asked for it.
Iron bars
- These are similar to fences and block movement passed them.
- Unknown if they have other effects.
- Unknown if craftable.
Dungeon Bricks
* - confirmed to be craftable called 'Stone Bricks' officially - Source
- There has been screen shots of three new 'brick' like materials. One is cracked, one is moss-covered, one is solid. The Bricks can be seen here(add link).
- As you see, they are a part of strongholds/new dungeons (still debated), and offer a new aesthetic flavor.
- Their damage resistance, purpose beyond looks, and such is unconfirmed entirely at this moment. All speculation on how they will be acquired/made.
Brick Stairs - Red and Grey
- Confirmed by creative-item-list image from Pax, there are red-brick Stairs, and grey brick (the new brick) stairs as well. This is confirmed by the Stronghold images as well, if you look at the top left you'll see stairs. (gotta link!)
Additional, unknown Recipes :
- It is confirmed nine new recipes are being added. The likely candidates are below:
1. Glass Panes.
2. Brick Stairs.
3. Grey Brick Stairs.
4. Brick Half-steps.
5. Grey brick Half-steps.
6. Watermelon slices?
7. Iron fences?
8. Fence Gates
9. ?
Farming in itself is being changed massively in 1.8. It will not only gain new additions, and change the way Animals spawn/are handled, but will become extremely important to players as they will need such farming facilities to create enough food to simply not starve to death.
- Melons appear to be 'whitish-yellow' while growing, and dark green when matured (watermelons).
- Melons and Pumpkins both can now be grown from new vines, which will spread along the ground to a max size, then place a varying amount of pumpkins and Melons around it which then begin to grow.
- Melons heal an unknown amount of health, and Hunger at this moment, but it is confirmed watermelons can be 'sliced' into pieces to edible pieces.
*- Confirmed, Melon seeds do exist and drop. Unknown if they serve any purpose beyond farming more watermelon vines.
- No new cooking recipes for Pumpkins, but they are very useful for preventing 'Endermen anger', as wearing a Pumpkin (not a jack o lantern, a lit pumpkin) on your head will negate their aggressive when stared at.
- Pumpkins now also grow alongside Melons on vines. It is unknown what % Melons and Pumpkins are created from a vine, so we will assume 50-50 even for now.
* - newly confirmed, Pumpkin seeds do exist and drop. Unconfirmed if they are used beyond farming pumpkins however.
- Animals have been dramatically altered (or will be) in 1.8. They are no longer spawning in 'herds', being MUCH rarer now.
- Once a certain condition is met (not known what yet), animals will no longer despawn. Presumably a collar, to control the animals movements, as well as prevent spawn.
- Animals will be able to breed, creating a new animal, which is vital to slaughter animals and acquire food.
- There will be no genders to animals.
- There will not be baby animals yet... it may, or may not happen, Notch and Jeb are conflicted on how to do it.
- Cows now drop uncooked(raw) beef, alongside Leather.
- Raw beef can be cooked, and consumed.
- Raw Beef stacks. Cooked beef does
- Chickens now drop raw Chickens, as well as their usual drop of Feathers on death.
- Raw Chicken can be cooked.
- Raw Chicken stacks. Cooked Chicken does
* - Eating Raw Chicken gives you a disease! Source
* - Now have a new model! They... have snouts!! The world is over, repent! REPENTTTT! - Source
- Drops raw Porkchops like before, which stacks now.
- When cooked, it creates a new looking porkchop icon, but this new cooked porkchop also stacks.
- Remain unmodified to my knowledge.
Terrain generation received the arguably largest update in 1.8, with an ungodly addition of changes, new content, and improvements.
* - Swamps will probably be in Beta 1.8 source
* - Notch already has a prototype of the swamp biomes. Source
* - The biome generation will NOT be finished in 1.8, and will be further 'added to' in 1.9. -Source, at 1:44 to 1:54.
- three new biome types: Mountains, Ocean, and Giant Mushroom Forests.
- Rivers have been added. They have no current, no waterfalls, and are all at 64 height. They divide apart biomes, and appear to be around 5-12 blocks wide and unknown depth.
- ALL biomes have been enlarged by a great deal. No more will you stand at the edge of a mighty Desert... and see the end of it on the horizon. It is unknown exactly how large Biomes have become, but many reports state they are 'much larger' so they should make folk happy.
- Biome 'cross over' to other Biomes should be... smoother. You shouldn't find grass mixed in desert, or chunks of desert 20+ blocks from the edge of a desert biome, in blobs.
- Mountain Biome's will be well, extremely mountainous. Likely having long ridges of mountains, with valleys in between them. Finding 'smooth' ground will likely be very difficult.
- Ocean Biome's will be the Biome between 'continents'. They should be MUCH larger now, and much deeper (no count on depth, but I'd assume 20 deep at some deeper points, maybe more). Though, nothing else of note has been done for them, sadly.
- Giant Mushroom Biome. We know next to nothing about this, and have no known photos of a Giant Mushroom Biome yet. We do not know if anything special spawns here or is found here, we do not know if the mushrooms can be collected as building blocks. Sadly, we're kept in the dark right now. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
* - Giant Mushroom's to be made 'more epic in the future! Source
Abandoned Mineshafts
- Abandoned Mineshafts, literal ancient, abandoned mines littered with minecart tracks, wooden pillars, cobwebs, minecarts, and horrors beyond your imagination...
- What little we know of Abandoned mines, is they are a randomly generated element similar to Dungeons. How large, how tall, how deep, are all a mystery, though we can assume they'll be quite large in size/height.
-A special 'blue spider' variant of Spiders spawns in this location only, and has the ability to POISON you if it hits you, which drains hearts gradually. it currently drops string, and offers no reward difference.
- It is unknown if you will find treasure chests, seperate rooms, traps, or such things within.
* - Can only Spawn 500 blocks from 0,0 (so 501 Y and X cords) or beyond, likely for balance to stop newbies getting massacred inside.
- Strongholds can be described as 'souped up' dungeons from what we've seen of them. They are crumbling, underground ruins with doors, and new blocks never seen before (iron reeds) and appear to have multiple floors with stairwells leading to different areas. (need to link image!)
- Above ground their entrance appears to be 'ruins' made of the new grey-brick, made of cracked, normal, and mossy cobbled variations, which seem to lead into the Stronghold below.
- There are iron bars seen in the screen of Strongholds, but no clarification/better image of what they are, or what they truly look like. Possibly new types of fences, or doors.
- We can assume boss mob(s) will spawn inside here and the Mine shafts when they are finally added.
- Over-all the Strongholds will provide exciting, new places to explore and hopefully wonderful treasures and the thrill of adventure as well!
- Ravines are well, Ravines. They are 'tears' in the land, that open up between 5-20 wide, and go down to great depths in the land.
- Beyond looking neat, and maybe being fun to build a home inside of suspended between the chasm, there is no known perks/benefits/items/etc to these.
New image of pigs - with a snout!
New image of ivy in action! This looks really neat! Damn Terraria rip off though... <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
Poor, yet viable screenshot for Giant Mushroom Forests! Also if you look at the 'tiny mushrooms' all over, it agrees to my speculation of mushroom blocks breaking into small mushrooms.

New Picture! Shows some of the new items, and points them out out (I rock with microsoft paint! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>). To clarify, that block in the top looks like bedrock, yet all the other blocks around it are ore-blocks over their ore... except that one.

Gonna be lazy and Borrow from the Wiki first ,then hunt down stand alone images that aren't there after!
Underground Ravines - marvels of natural beauty in 1.8 <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

A ravine going through a stronghold cutting it in two - Notice the odd 'vines (iron vines' top right, stairs top left, dead skeleton beside the zombie, doors, and other little... doodas).
It can be confirmed here strongholds ARE made of the new mystery brick block.

A picture of older 'NPC villages, Giant mushrooms which look like crap I hope they are improved, and in the bottom right, a surface ravine that has bugged out the sand!

The first released Image of 'the Endermans...'

An example of a Mountain Biome, River, and a Giant Mushroom randomly out of place... lol

Evidence showing Enderman don't attack with a pumpkin on, also showing 'Arrow sticking'(Woot!), and some basic NPC villages (though they look MUCH more advanced in the demo at PAX).

And that's it for pics for now! Sorry, gotta hunt more down. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
New Video showing roof-stalking Enderman, ocean-born cities, and tons of other neat stuff! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
New footage of Abandoned Mineshafts and the 'Blue Spider'! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
A very CRYSTAL clear, in depth, very detailed examination of the 1.8 Demo and its content! It's so yummyyyy, I'm scanning over it for new information too <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Older video of 1.8 at PAX, quite blurry, but still interesting for a new POV.
Below is a new Video on Macbook playability of Minecraft, and maybe some hints for 1.8, gotta peek. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
And I'll just put this here for now, and go look around for more common spam-questions, and update this! Please bump and add your own 'FAQ' points for addition! I know there is a sticky, but it's rather... inactive. And this isn't a discussion of up coming content, but common questions asked. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Moving structures from a 1.7 world, to a 1.8 world
Note: Mcedit will need to be updated to 1.8, so it may take a few days (even weeks) until it updates after 1.8 releases! I'll update here when it is up to date as well.
1. First, we need to acquire Mcedit
2. Launch it, update it, blah blah.
3. Find your world (check what your world name is.
4. Now stop! Click options, and look at the controls for movement to not get confused. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
5. open your world (maybe back it up in case)
6. fly up reallyyyy high over your city.
7. Click a point. Select another point opposite of it (like a square).
8. Use the new 'nudge' menu that appeared to modify the 'selection' up, down, left, or right, until the 'box' completely covers all parts of your city above and below ground (make sure of this!!)
9. when satisified, click 'export'. Name it. click ok. Bam. you have a copy of your city.
10. close Mcedit, launch minecraft, create a new world (when in 1.<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object>.
11. Run around (use f3 to see your cords), try to run around in all directions at least 500 blocks out, to generate the land. Save world. close it.
12. Open new world, hover over new land, look at it, judge if you have enough land to be comfortable with placing your city in (mcedit cannot generate terrain). If it's too small, or you don't see a spot you like, repeat step 10 and 11. Install a 'speed/fly' hack to speed up exploration for this if you feel.
13. when you find a good spot, click 'import', select your file, and then click somewhere. A transparent 'version' of your city will appear.
14. Use nudge to adjust it so your 'land' is at well, at the proper height. You dont want your city's edges to be 5-6 higher then the land around it if possible.
15. Ensure everything looks nice and tidy, click 'import' below the Nudge menu.
16. Wait for lag and watch your city generate in it's new home! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
Hope this helps you, and others out there. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>