Of course you would be muted for telling Danni that.
I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend IRL sooo....

Pfft, so you go on the internet to date when you can't be around him?
LiquidMemory wrote:
Username: LiquidMemo
When you were globally muted : September 5th 2011
Person who globally muted you: DanniDoritos (MOD)
Reason you were globally muted: I told Danni to stop dating. Everyone knows that dating online is for losers who nobody loves in real life. We don't want 60 year olds looking for kids to leech info out of. I think Danni should be demoted, for abusing moderator powers, when people are all cussing and hating on each other, she (Probably he) just sits around like a lousy mod.
Extra notes: Whackjob DID NOT deserve to be demoted , Danni did.
When you were globally muted : September 5th 2011
Person who globally muted you: DanniDoritos (MOD)
Reason you were globally muted: I told Danni to stop dating. Everyone knows that dating online is for losers who nobody loves in real life. We don't want 60 year olds looking for kids to leech info out of. I think Danni should be demoted, for abusing moderator powers, when people are all cussing and hating on each other, she (Probably he) just sits around like a lousy mod.
Extra notes: Whackjob DID NOT deserve to be demoted , Danni did.
First of all read RULE 2 - Respect everyone, especially your admins and mods.
This includes, but is not limited to:
•Use correct language.
•Speak in a polite and mannerful way.
Secondly: Im not dating checkers at all, we call each other wifey and husbandy as an inside joke we have >.> You should not be so quick to judge people
Third: I am female, yes I play minecraft but thats because my irl bf got me hooked to it xD Dont believe me? Heres my fb -> http://www.facebook.com/dannidorrito. Ive been using the nickname dannidorrito before I started on minecraft (also its usually available as a username when signing up for anything <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>)
Forth: Whackjob wanted a break from modding so sawine demoted him, thats nothing to do with me so it should not be on here.
I will be happy to unmute you if you would apologise to me. I am obviously not dating on here so your judgments of me were wrong.
Clearly you must know nothing about the staff. Whackjob was really inactive and complained about helping people. Danni does some of the most work out of all the staff.
From what ive seen you are a new newb to the server and a pretty big idiot. I only see you bitch. Mutes usually last 10 minutes but looks like this one will be longer.
Check this rule:
So what if people wanna goof around and have fake bf/gf. Its all in fun. They arent dating, clearly if you had any intelligence you could realize that.
Staff members have to deal with 2-3 people at a time constantly. Dont be another ignorant newb about it. If you are gonna keep making fun of them you're gonna get muted. Obviously
"dating is just for sad kids with no life" Sorry but if you think that you must be one lonely little boy.
Next time try not to insult staff in game then in an appeal. We are the judge, jury and executioner.
From what ive seen you are a new newb to the server and a pretty big idiot. I only see you bitch. Mutes usually last 10 minutes but looks like this one will be longer.
Check this rule:
Rules wrote:
2 - Respect everyone, especially your admins and mods.
So what if people wanna goof around and have fake bf/gf. Its all in fun. They arent dating, clearly if you had any intelligence you could realize that.
Staff members have to deal with 2-3 people at a time constantly. Dont be another ignorant newb about it. If you are gonna keep making fun of them you're gonna get muted. Obviously
"dating is just for sad kids with no life" Sorry but if you think that you must be one lonely little boy.
Next time try not to insult staff in game then in an appeal. We are the judge, jury and executioner.
You're confusing real dating with internet dating.

Liquid has sent me a private message apologising which I have accepted.
He understands when he needs to keep his opinions to himself, when he's next online I will unmute him x
He understands when he needs to keep his opinions to himself, when he's next online I will unmute him x
For one, this conversation is pretty dumb. Your breaking rules, IN YOUR OWN MUTE APPEAL. I haven't even seen you on the server before and I play a good 60 hours a week now. Please take your trolling ass somewhere else to bitch and complain. We aren't judging you, you shouldn't judge us. And for the record, Danni is obviously a girl... I have never had a sandwich that a guy made be THAT good.
I'm declaring myself the master of epic thread pictures. I assume you will all agree.