What does it actually do?
Provides an in-game GUI for trading between two players.
Provides configurable options for limiting trades to certain distances or allowing players to start trades by right clicking on each other.
How does it work?
Upon confirmation of a trade request SpoutTrade creates a large VirtualChest and shows it to both players. This chest is made up of two smaller >chests, one for each player. It uses Spout to detect when a player clicks on an item in their inventory, and will then add the item to the respective >players chest.
Ensure you have the Spout installed and running, the client mod isn't necessary, but it will provide additional features.
Place SpoutTrade.jar into your server's plugins folder
Start and stop your server to automatically generate the configuration file
Alter the config to suit your needs
The Bukkit permissions node is 'spouttrade.trade', it defaults to true
Type /trade <player> to create a trade request with a player, if they don't accept or decline after 15 seconds, the request will time out.
When this player has accepted your request, the trading GUI will appear.
Click on the items in your inventory that you want to trade, if you accidently add an item, you can simply click on it again to have it return to your inventory.
When you're finished, close the window, no more items can be added/taken once one player has closed the window to prevent scams.
Read the confirmation summary, and accept or reject the trade
/trade <player>
Initiates a trade with the player
/trade confirm
Confirms the current trade in progress
/trade reject
Rejects the current trade in progress
/trade accept
Accepts the current request to trade
/trade decline
Declines the current request to trade
DOWNLOAD HERE !! . http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/spouttrade/
Provides an in-game GUI for trading between two players.
Provides configurable options for limiting trades to certain distances or allowing players to start trades by right clicking on each other.
How does it work?
Upon confirmation of a trade request SpoutTrade creates a large VirtualChest and shows it to both players. This chest is made up of two smaller >chests, one for each player. It uses Spout to detect when a player clicks on an item in their inventory, and will then add the item to the respective >players chest.
Ensure you have the Spout installed and running, the client mod isn't necessary, but it will provide additional features.
Place SpoutTrade.jar into your server's plugins folder
Start and stop your server to automatically generate the configuration file
Alter the config to suit your needs
The Bukkit permissions node is 'spouttrade.trade', it defaults to true
Type /trade <player> to create a trade request with a player, if they don't accept or decline after 15 seconds, the request will time out.
When this player has accepted your request, the trading GUI will appear.
Click on the items in your inventory that you want to trade, if you accidently add an item, you can simply click on it again to have it return to your inventory.
When you're finished, close the window, no more items can be added/taken once one player has closed the window to prevent scams.
Read the confirmation summary, and accept or reject the trade
/trade <player>
Initiates a trade with the player
/trade confirm
Confirms the current trade in progress
/trade reject
Rejects the current trade in progress
/trade accept
Accepts the current request to trade
/trade decline
Declines the current request to trade
DOWNLOAD HERE !! . http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/spouttrade/