I had a go at making a "Feature Trailer" for Pearl. I might make another one at some point, so constructive criticism is welcome. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

You should really change the color of that.
Perhaps, but on the end slide the colour of the text is white, like that.
The Pearl logo is also white and "clear". I wanted to keep the trailer in the same style, and kinda neat.
The Pearl logo is also white and "clear". I wanted to keep the trailer in the same style, and kinda neat.
Maybe eliminate the lower third background, so it is just text...
Jack, that is a fine shop in the market. But where are my Ateph Ghasts? What no chests that go Boom?
Great work man, love it.
Great work man, love it.
ok Jack I <3 the music - and the clean transitions . I would however say you should do some further exploring and add some diversity of builds and features. One day when I can be on to help when you are on - Ill chat and show you what I am suggesting.
Bebetoo <3's ya!
Bebetoo <3's ya!
Love it!
