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[Enjin Archive] Please unban me
Started by [E] pfalex

Username: pfalex

When you were banned : I don't know... unable to log in as of Jan. 7

Person who banned you: I don't know

Reason you were banned: for building in the tree farm

Server: I don't know

Can I please be unbanned? I will pay better attention to where I am building.



Please read the following post: http://www.minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/390722-ban-appeal-format-read-before-posting

You may either edit your original post in the correct format, or simply reply with the format. Once you post in the correct format, we will proceed with your appeal.
Whoops! It appears this one fell through the cracks.

You were banned on February 7th, 2014 for griefing the tree farm on Prison by EliteCatalyst. Evidence follows:



When you enter the tree farm, you have to pass through numerous signs stating not to build in the tree farm. The first offense is a 40 minute jail, and the second offense is a ban as it disrupts the experience for other players.

With that said, why did you continue to build a second time after being jailed for 40 minutes, not to mention ignoring all of the signs?
Huh... I can't explain how I missed the signs - I otherwise take care to only build where allowed. Am inexperienced with the prison level. I also can't explain how I didn't see the first ban. Maybe I was banned after I logged off and the time expired before I played again?

I can't apologize enough - I hope you can tell from my history that I am not a griefer and this is the first time i've run afoul of the rules.

I'd very much appreciate another chance.
Huh... I can't explain how I missed the signs - I otherwise take care to only build where allowed.

I'm not believing this even for a second, and here's why. You built inside the tree farm twice, the first time earning you a 40 minute jail sentence and the second is what brought us here. You were offline for the jailing, which is why you did not see that.

Both times you built within the tree farm, you walked by the signs (through the signs, actually). They were placed in such a way that forces people to read them. Building is not permitted anywhere within Prison, especially in any of the tree farms or other farms.

So, would you like to try again before I make my decision?
I can appreciate that there is a problem on Minecraft servers with griefing. I do not play that often and I have only tried the prison level a couple of times. You should be considering the following:

1. If I was banned while not online, and the ban expired before I was online again, I was not given the opportunity to understand the first offense punishment.

2. I don't even remember going onto the Prison level more than a couple of times so I am wondering if both bans were from the same time that I built in there. I can't tell from the photos when each was found and punishment laid out.

3. The Prison Informationon this site includes the following: "Most things within the prison can be solved with a mute, jail or killing; bans are a last resort and not used lightly. Perma bans are only for serious cases. Most cases will be unbanned in a reasonable time frame." You should be considering what it is that I had done to consider it a serious case of griefing. Did I build or destroy something in a manner that had serious effects on other players? Did I destroy others' creations? Did it look like I doing something to try to improve my position, rank, or any other other advantage?

I am a 41 year old professional, not a griefer trying to make the game less enjoyable for others.

Go ahead and make your decision.
I need to clear some things up with you:
1. If I was banned while not online, and the ban expired before I was online again, I was not given the opportunity to understand the first offense punishment.

You were not banned twice. You are jailed once, followed by a ban for this offense. Our banning guidelines and Prison rules permit the use of ban in this case. As stated in http://www.minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/7735876-clarified-soft-hard-rule-punishments:

"- Griefing: This includes building structures, impeding other players' progress, and disrupting normal enjoyment of the server. 1st Offense - 40 minute jail sentence. 2nd Offense - Ban."

The rules technically serve as your first warning, the signs in front of the tree farm would be your second, and the jail (which you did not receive since you were offline). However, based on the fact there are logs showing the execution of the jail command in connection with your griefing, in addition to a note of said griefing on your player profile (internal tool to track players), stating you were not aware of the rules or warnings is not a valid excuse. As taken from the general rules of Minetown:

"By registering an account on minetown.net and by logging in to our server, you acknowledge that you have fully read and understood the rules and agree to follow them. Breaking these rules will result in a punishment determined appropriate by staff, which may be as severe as a permanent ban (account and / or IP)."
2. I don't even remember going onto the Prison level more than a couple of times so I am wondering if both bans were from the same time that I built in there. I can't tell from the photos when each was found and punishment laid out.

Both punishments were on different days. You were jailed on February 4th by a Sergeant on the Prison. At that time, a note was made so that if it happened again, the notes would show that. You were later banned by an Administrator of Minetown on February 7th for the second offense of building in the tree farm.
3. The Prison Informationon this site includes the following: "Most things within the prison can be solved with a mute, jail or killing; bans are a last resort and not used lightly. Perma bans are only for serious cases. Most cases will be unbanned in a reasonable time frame." You should be considering what it is that I had done to consider it a serious case of griefing. Did I build or destroy something in a manner that had serious effects on other players? Did I destroy others' creations? Did it look like I doing something to try to improve my position, rank, or any other other advantage?

While I understand the frustration in getting banned, there is a zero tolerance policy in regards to griefing. There was a time when players would build in the tree farm despite being warned multiple times. The decision was made to implement the policy I informed you about already. We do not take the extent of the build into account when deciding to ban, as that's already provided for in the rules. When it comes to deciding the length of the ban, we decide if the player has been warned sufficiently, and it has been determined that you have been warned sufficiently. You made a decision to go against those rules and warnings, and proceeded to build in the tree farm twice, which is why we are here today.
I am a 41 year old professional, not a griefer trying to make the game less enjoyable for others.

Age and your career will have no effect on my decision.


I will await a final response from you.
whatever... you already got my final response... enjoy the power you have over this imaginary world.
Not the kind of response I was expecting from a '41 year old professional'. I've set the ban length to 2 months. 1 month for the griefing, and 1 month for the staff disrespect.

I highly recommend dropping the attitude and reading the rules completely before coming back. I don't want to see another appeal from you again.

You will be unbanned on April 12, 2014 (taking the length of time since the appeal started into account)
