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[Enjin Archive] I don't normally post stuff like this, but I felt I had to say something

Some topics are so baited and incendiary, one has to wonder if oftentimes those who chose to discuss them publicly are doing so out of their own desire to insult their opponents rather than debate. Sure, a healthy public debate does raise points on both sides of issues, but certain subjects degrade so quickly into angry bickering that the actual subject at hand gets thrown aside to make way for venomous personal attacks. As a Midwesterner who is uncomfortable with any minor conflict, I tend to avoid sharing my opinions of these issues publicly, but there is one controversial subject I do finally feel the need to discuss. I'm talking, of course, about my decision to choose RC Cola as my primary cola.

Will Pepsi and Coke still have a place in the Evanskis soda diet? Of course. A fountain Coke is a classic with a burger and fries, and I am quite fond of tossing a few cans of Pepsi in the cooler for a fun summer picnic in the park. But when it comes to my day to day cola refreshment needs, I am now a Royal Crown man. The public debate can rage on, but my internal debate has been settled. I lost friends when I came out as a Sunkist drinker, and to be honest, I don't miss them any more than I miss Crush and Minute Maid. This decision was not made lightly. RC is hard to find, and not very good. But this is a decision I have chosen to live with. And you're just going to have to live with it too.
The title made me think, normal thread?

The OP, made me cry.

and rc is really good, well to me ofcourse.
And to think that you actually were saying something intelligent.
10/10 for effort as you actually wrote this yourself. Congrats, you uninspired little leech.
@1249652 wrote:
10/10 for effort as you actually wrote this yourself. Congrats, you uninspired little leech.

major TPrez fail: https://twitter.com/ieatanddrink/status/432601047635607552/photo/1
@1108550 wrote:
@1249652 wrote:
10/10 for effort as you actually wrote this yourself. Congrats, you uninspired little leech.

major TPrez fail: https://twitter.com/ieatanddrink/status/432601047635607552/photo/1

We have an RC machine by the door at work, so I have to live with someone else's bad decision, not mine
what the fuck
You all confuse me..