Sawine I know that this will be on the bottom of your to-do list but can you please give me a refund? I was exploring a place for me and my friend to build, but when I placed my boat down and tried to get in it I started losing health so I warp to my home in order to stop it but it didn't work. I died and lost all my items that I really wanted to have.
I had
x12 pumpkins
x20 Roses
x1 Iron sword
x3 Iron Pickaxes
x1 Raw pork chop
x1 Workbench
x64 Torches
x23 Coal
I know their we're more things but I cant remember </3, Please refund me I would be so happy -Peon
P.s I know their junk items but still I would love to have them back with all my Heart...
I had
x12 pumpkins
x20 Roses
x1 Iron sword
x3 Iron Pickaxes
x1 Raw pork chop
x1 Workbench
x64 Torches
x23 Coal
I know their we're more things but I cant remember </3, Please refund me I would be so happy -Peon

P.s I know their junk items but still I would love to have them back with all my Heart...